Micah Bell x Male Reader

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Warning: Smut

You were sat in camp reading, when suddenly Arthur and Dutch walked up to you.

"(M/N) I need you and Arthur to go to Strawberry and break Micah out of jail." Dutch ordered not giving you a choice in the matter.
"Why me?" You whined at Arthur.
"Because you know Micah has a soft spot for you, hopefully with you there it won't turn into a massacre." Arthur said mounting his horse.

It was a running joke around camp that you were the only one Micah would listen to besides Dutch, you weren't convinced you thought Micah didn't care about anyone but himself.

As you got to Strawberry Sheriffs office you both walked to the tiny window and looked in.
Micahs eyes lit up as he saw you, completely ignoring Arthur.

"(M/N)! You're here" Micah chuckled.
"What am I chopped liver?" Arthur commented shaking his head.
"Hello to you too Arthur..." he grumbled his attention going straight back to you.

"Get me out of here."
"Ok calm down you should step back a bit." Arthur said placing some dynamite under the window.

When the wall exploded Micah jumped out immediately grabbing your hand and pulling you to the horses with Arthur trailing behind shaking his head.

You all managed to escape town before the law saw your faces, when you got far enough away Micah pulled Baylock to a sudden stop.

"(M/N) you come with me to my camp and Arthur you can tell Dutch that we'll come back when I find a peace offering to give him." Micah smirked at you.

"(M/N) are you ok with that?" Arthur looked at you worried.
"Yeah I'll be fine Arthur, don't worry." You smiled.

Micah showed you to his secluded camp up in the hills.
"So what is this 'peace offering' you were talking about." You asked starting a fire as Micah set up the bedrolls.
"Just a little stagecoach full of cash I heard about." He chuckled.
"Ok is that why you wanted me to stay with you?" You asked.
"Well partly I also wanted to get you alone to do this." Micah said as he pinned you to the cliff wall planting his lips on yours.
After a moment of shock you started to melt into the kiss, Micah tasted like cigarettes and whiskey but you didn't mind, it suited him.

You had never seen this side of Micah before, you always thought he was cold and nasty but this is a side you would love to see more of.

Micah broke the kiss for air smirking down at you.
"I never thought I'd say this but I love you (M/N)" He said nipping at your neck softly making you whine slightly.
"Micah...I love you too." You moaned into his shoulder.
Your moan made Micah growl as he started undressing you.
His kisses trailed down your chest and stomach, making you moan a little louder.
The noise spurring him on he stripped you completely naked, admiring your beauty.
"Micah please..." you moaned trying to undress him too.
Micah chuckled and helped you undress him.
"Eager aren't you darling." He kissed your lips again.
"Just fuck me Micah." You groaned bucking your hips into his.
This action caused Micah to let out the loudest moan you've ever heard.
Micah quickly reached into his tent and grabbed a pot of hair pomade, rubbing it onto your hole.
Micah pushed into you making you gasp at his size.
"Oh fuck Micah keep going!" You moaned out as he pounded into you.
"You like me being rough don't you?" Micah groaned going faster than before.
"Yes!" You screamed trying to muffle yourself with your hands.

After a little while you both finished at the same time.
"That was amazing." You panted as Micah carried you to the tent, placing you down on the bedroll.
"Hopefully it won't be the last time." Micah smirked kissing your lips softly.

Red Dead Redemption 2 x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now