Charles Smith x Male Reader

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This is some Charles fluff for @percyzzz hope you like it! :)

"God damn it!" You shouted for probably the 100th time today. Throwing your gun to the ground.  You had been trying to do some hunting but every time you somehow managed to spook the game. Frustrated you decided it was time to call it a day and maybe try again tomorrow.
Hunting was something you could never get the hang of, your father is an amazing hunter and so is your older brother, leaving you as the odd one out. You knew your father favoured your brother, they both ridiculed you constantly about how you're a 'disappointment to the family' you wished your mother was still alive because she wouldn't stand for it, but it was just you now.
You decided to take off and try living on your own, hopping from town to town and surviving off of canned food and already hunted meat from the butchers. It was hard but it was better than being constantly bullied by your so called 'family'.

The next day you thought you'd try again, hoping for some better luck you traveled to the Heartlands.
Once again you were failing miserably when a man with long dark hair walked up beside you.

"You need some help mister?" The stranger asked.
Embarrassed you looked down.
"No it's fine don't waste your time." You mumbled.
"It's ok I'll show you come on." He said picking up your gun.
"I'm Charles by the way." He handed you your gun.
"I'm (M/N) nice to meet you." You said admiring his face, he was very handsome you thought.
"Come on follow me I'll show you the best way to hunt." Charles said mounting his horse.
You followed, mounting your own horse.
"I really don't think you'll be able to teach me, I'm hopeless."
"Don't worry, every beginner thinks they're hopeless at the start but you'll get better eventually." He explained.

Charles took you to a new spot where you could hide behind the bushes.
Charles passed you a bow and arrows, noticing your nervous facial expression he laughed lightly.
"Don't worry a bow seems harder but it's actually easier because it's quieter and doesn't scare all the animals away."
"Ok.." you grabbed the bow and Charles stood behind you, guiding your arms into the right position. The close proximity made you blush slightly.
Trying to concentrate you listened carefully to what Charles was saying.
"Quiet look a deer." Charles whispered.
You got the bow ready in the position with Charles' help.
"Try and aim for it's head, you get a better pelt that way." He quietly explained.
You aimed and pulled the bow back slowly and then releasing the arrow, the deer fell dead you couldn't believe it, you actually successfully hunted an animal.
"Oh my god I did it!" You excitedly hugged Charles, unknowingly making his heart flutter.
"You did! See I told you you'd be able to do it." He hugged you back.
"I couldn't have done it without you Charles, thank you so much." You looked up at Charles, still holding each other, he leaned down and kissed your lips softly.
Your heart felt like it was exploding, you hadn't known Charles long but kissing him felt right, like you were meant to be together.
You both broke away slowly, smiling at each other.
"You're so cute." Charles whispered.
Blushing you leaned forward and kissed him again. That was the day you fell in love for the first time.

Red Dead Redemption 2 x Male Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now