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“Doctor?” Evanna’s voice called out.

“I’m in here!” He yelled, sounding close.

She wandered into the control room and looked around, “Wait, where are you?” She asked.

Suddenly, his head popped up, “I’m right here.” He smiled, “I’m just fixing a few things.”

“Need any help?” She smiled.

He frowned, “Why are you being all nice? What have you done?”

She rolled her eyes, “I’m only trying to help you. You always do everything and take me places and show me everything. You do everything for me; but I never do anything for you.” She shrugged, sitting on the ground, where he was working below.

The Doctor grinned at her, “There is one thing you could do for me…”

She laughed, “And that is?”

“Make me a cup of tea?” He smiled, “I’ve been working for hours and I’m just thirsty.”

She nodded with a smile, “Alright. Cup of tea it is… Anything else?”


“Oh and you can maybe go out and buy a new bowtie for me? I love this one – but it’s getting a bit… old, you know?” He smiled.

Evanna glared at him, “For god’s sake!” She yelled, “I’ve been running around after you for hours!”

He frowned at her, “You said you wanted to help…”

“I know I did but I meant do two or three jobs for you! I didn’t mean that you were meant to send me into the swimming pool to receive a book that had fallen in or making me count how many stars there were around Earth!” Evanna exclaimed.

The Doctor nodded, “You could’ve just said, you know…” A small smirk was tugging on his lips.

Her eyes narrowed, “Wait… you were just making me do things weren’t you?!” She yelled, “Jobs that you really didn’t care about?!”

He looked up at her, a mischievous glint in his eyes, “I might have.”

“You’re such a jerk!” She frowned, shoving him slightly.

“You believed me!” He laughed, “As if I would want to know how many stars there are! And books fall into the pool all the time – that’s why they’re waterproof and eventually they’ll get themselves out!”

“Yeah well… Your bowtie’s stupid!” She yelled before furiously storming away.

His laughter ceased immediately, “You’re stupid!” He shouted back at her retreating form.

A Mad Man and His Blue Box {11th Doctor Who} - Series of One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now