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"Doctor?" Evanna asked, sitting up as he slowly stood up and walked to the control panel, "Doctor say something!" She pleaded, her voice turning desperate.

She rushed around to him, trying to turn him yaround and explain herself but he continued to stay put; his muscles frozen, "Doctor, just let me explain!"

"You want to go home. Fine." He hissed, his voice held angry but she could detect the sadness and hurt within it.

Evanna groaned, "Must you always act like a child?!" She snapped.

"Yeah well I'm losing my best friend so I have the right to!" He yelled back, finally turning around to face her. His eyes were tearing up and so were hers.

She smiled slightly as he called her his 'best friend', "You're not losing me, Doctor." She mumbled.

"Then why are you leaving? Why do you want to go home?" He frowned, "I thought you loved it here. I thought you loved... being with me."

"I do!" She stressed quickly, running a hand through her hair, "I love it here. I love being with you. I love travelling and I never want to leave."

"Then why are you?" He whispered.

"I miss my family." Her voice was softer and much sadder, "I miss my mum, my dad and my sisters. To them, it's not been that long since I last saw them but for me it's been almost two years! I miss them!"

The Doctor didn't reply, instead he turned back to the console and began to tamper with the machine to take her back to her family, "I guess they do always break your heart in the end." He whispered softly.

Evanna didn't hear what he said but she felt like she had to keep explaining herself, "I'm not leaving for good." She told him, "I'll be here as long as you want me to be here."

"I want you to be here forever." He admitted with a soft sigh.

With her lips ajar, she spoke, "Come with me." She whispered.

"What?" He turned to her, wearing a frown.

"Come with me." She repeated, a smile creeping on her face, "Come with me to meet my family. Only for a few days. Please." She grabbed his arm, "I don't want you to leave, I want to keep travelling with you. I just miss my family."

Reluctantly, he nodded, "You're not going to leave then?" He asked, hope glinting in his eyes.

"Nope." She beamed, "You'll come with me?"

He nodded, pulling her in for a hug before yelling, "Off we go!"

"How long will have passed since I left?" She asked.

"Hopefully five minutes, but then again - time is tricky."

Evanna let out a deep breath as she stepped out of the TARDIS and stared at her family's house across the street, "Oh wow... I'm so nervous!" She told the Doctor as he closed the door behind him.

He smiled, "They're your family Evanna. No need to be." He assured her before taking her hand and giving it a light squeeze. She smiled up at him before the two walked down the path. Evanna knocked on the door and instantly swung open.

"OH MY GOD!" Her mum yelled, "GEORGE! GEORGE SHE'S BACK!"

"What? Mum what are you talking about?" Evanna asked as her mum quickly hugged her tightly. Evanna hugged her with one arm, forgetting that she and the Doctor were holding hands.

Her father, George, quickly ran out, "Oh my! Evanna!" He beamed before hugging his daughter tightly, "Where have you been?! We've been looking for you!"

A Mad Man and His Blue Box {11th Doctor Who} - Series of One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now