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This is the other half of 09 :) I hope you like it! I loved writing this one; again, sorry that it took so long!

The sensation of having someone else seeing your memories, hearing your thoughts, feeling your feelings was spectacularly bizarre. It was like an itch in your brain and you couldn’t scratch. Evanna could see, feel and hear everything that Mary was feeling. The memories of old boyfriends and their antics caused Evanna’s cheeks to redden but Mary didn’t seem to mind.

Suddenly memories of the Doctor appeared in her mind; adventures of the two, hand in hand running from creatures that wanted to eat them. Evanna’s lips curled into a smile without knowing. Feelings that Evanna had buried began to rise again, catching Mary’s attention and suddenly, she pulled out of Evanna’s mind.

“I think I’ve found the problem, dear.” Mary smiled. Evanna groggily opened her eyes, feeling utterly happy after seeing hers and the Doctor’s adventures, in fact she wanted to remember more.

“What is it?” Evanna asked hopefully.

“I think you know what it is,” Mary smirked, nodding at the young woman, “You can’t bury your feelings forever, dear. Right now, your brain is trying to tell you something; something which you’ve buried for too long.”

“What is that supposed to mean?” Evanna asked, but Mary had already gotten up and walked into the shop area.

Instantly, the Doctor jumped up, “Did you figure out what it is?” He asked hopefully.

“Yes I did.” Mary replied, looking through some cupboards, trying to find what she wanted.

“Well what is it?” The Doctor asked.

“I don’t even know.” Evanna frowned, “What did you mean by that?”

“Mean by what?” The Doctor asked impatiently, only to be ignored.

Mary turned and looked at Evanna, “Think about those memories made you feel, dear. Think about it; think about who you shared those memories with. Think about your feelings, dear.” She said quietly, pulling Evanna to the side so the Doctor didn’t hear.

Evanna’s eyes widened and went straight to the Doctor who’d preoccupied himself in playing with a small green bottle. Did she... like the Doctor? Her thoughts were broken by Mary saying, “Spill that bottle Doctor and we are all dead instantly.” The Doctor didn’t hesitate to put it back and stand with his hands behind his back.

“Are you alright?” He asked Evanna, “You look as though you’re going to pass out… Mary, I think you better hurry up.” He frowned, worriedly.

Evanna shook her head, “No… No. I’m fine.” She whispered breaking out of her trance, thoughts swirling around her mind.

Finally Mary grinned and pulled a tall red bottle off of the shelf, “Here.” She placed it in Evanna’s hand, closing her fingers over it, “This will help you sleep but do it wrong and you’ll be asleep forever.”

“Ha!” The Doctor grinned, “It’s like that fairy-tale! Snow White!”

Mary gave him an annoyed look, “Yes… Well, one drop gives you one hour of sleep. Two drops is two hours and so on… Take any more than ten and you will be asleep forever.” But Evanna wasn’t paying attention, instead she was too busy thinking of what Mary said and what feelings she harboured for the Doctor, “The only way you can break the sleeping curse is by a kiss.”

“A kiss?” The Doctor frowned.

“True loves kiss.” Mary smirked, staring the Doctor dead in the eye. He swallowed nervously and felt his face blush furiously. Hastily, he grabbed Evanna’s free hand.

A Mad Man and His Blue Box {11th Doctor Who} - Series of One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now