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Evanna yawned widely and continued to wander around London 1807 as the Doctor rambled on about something. She was extremely bored and exhausted. Partly because the Doctor hadn’t given her a full night’s sleep and partly because he kept on teaching her “interesting facts” when, quite frankly, they were far from interesting.

“Evanna?” He asked, snapping her out of her daydream about going on a real adventure, “Evanna are you even listening?!”

She rolled her eyes and turned her head towards him. He was frowning at her and giving her a slightly disgusted look, “Yeah.” She mumbled, “I’m listening.” His frown deepened, “I am!” She groaned, “You’re talking about something boring and I really don’t care about it.” She gave a sarcastic smile before quickening her pace, ending up a few steps in front of him.

“What?!” He gawked, “How can you be bored?! We’re in 1807 and you’re bored?! Look at the scenery around you! Look how pretty everything is!” He pointed over to various buildings, “Oh, see that church over there-”

Evanna stopped, causing him to bump into her. He looked down, confused, and was met with two piercing eyes. If looks could kill, the Doctor would’ve been dead, “If you tell me one more useless fact about some bloody church then I swear to God that I will- UGH!” She yelled, running her hands through her hair. She turned and began to walk away.

“Evanna?” The Doctor called after, “Where are you going?”

“The one place I find interesting and where I can get some peace!” She yelled back, whipping her head around and glaring at him. The Doctor swallowed and looked around – looking for something that he could get her to sweeten her mood a bit.

He saw a small boy carrying a large basket of roses which were almost the same size as the boy himself. He grinned and rushed over to him, “How much? How much?” He asked quickly.

“A penny, sir.” The boy smiled with a thick Cockney accent, “How many do you want, sir?”

The Doctor dug around his pockets and pulled out much more money than necessary, “All of them.” He smiled at him.

The boy raised his eyebrows, “Are you rich, sir?” He asked, shocked.

Laughing, the Doctor shook his head, “No, but I am magic.” He winked as he took the basket from the boy and gave him the money. Quickly, he took off.

“But- But sir!” The boy yelled after him, “This is far too much!”

“Keep it!” The Doctor grinned. The boy grinned back at him before running away – presumably back to his home where he’d tell his mother that they would be able to buy dinner for the next year.

The Doctor quickly strode down the streets of London, trying to remember where he parked the TARDIS. He found it a while later. And with a triumphant grin, he swung the door open and walked inside. Evanna wasn’t in the main control room – she would obviously be in her bedroom sulking. Quietly, he made his way along the corridor and knocked on her door three times, “Evanna?” He asked gently.

“What?” Her voice asked icily.

“Can I come in?”


“Well, can you come out?” He asked hopefully.

“Why?” She growled.

“I have a present for you…”

“I don’t want it.” But her voice held a tinge of excitement that the Doctor detected straightaway. He smirked.

“I’ll leave it out here for you then.” He sighed and placed the basket of roses in front of her door, “I’m sorry by the way.” With that, he turned and walked into the control room – grinning.

It didn’t take long before her curiosity had gotten the best of her. Slowly, she opened the door and gasped instantly, “Wow…” She whispered in awe as he bent down and picked the basket up. She delicately placed it on the table beside her bed, gazing at them with bliss. She could hear him in the control room, tinkering with some of the devices.

With a smile, she walked out of her room and into the control room. He had his back turned to her as he worked; humming a soft tune that he’d heard Evanna sing a while previous. A grin stretched onto her face and she leapt out and grabbed him, turning him around and hugging him tightly, “I see you got your present then.” He mumbled, hugging her back tightly.

“I’m sorry.” Evanna whispered into his neck, “I’m just tired.”

“I know,” He laughed, “I’m sorry too. I just wanted to impress you with everything I know.” He mumbled truthfully as she pulled away.

“You already do impress me, Doctor.” She smiled slightly, placing a hand on his chest, “You’re a Time Lord with a TARDIS for god’s sake! You time travel and you take me with you! That’s so much more impressive than you think it is.” She grinned as his cheeks flushed, “… Plus I kind of liked hearing all the facts.” She added softly.

His head shot up, “Really?” He asked, his eyes shining.

“Really.” She breathed, “Just not the boring ones.” She teased with a small laugh.

The Doctor nodded, smiling, “I have lots more facts… If you ever want to hear them.”

“Like what?” Evanna asked, happy to entertain him even if she didn’t really care.

“I could take you and show you?” He asked smiling shyly, “It won’t be boring though! I promise!” He added in hastily.

Evanna giggled and nodded, “Come on then.” She smiled before taking his hand and leading him back outside again. The Doctor grinned, blushing at her holding his hand, but happy that someone had finally taken an interest in his useless knowledge (even if they were doing it for his own benefit).

A Mad Man and His Blue Box {11th Doctor Who} - Series of One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now