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A/N: Hey guys! I hoped you all liked the last chapter; where the Doctor and Evanna kissed. But please don't think that them getting together is that easy. A kiss is just a kiss really. Haha! This is just kind of a filler really before I can get back to doing totally random one shots. There was a lack of Amy and Rory in the last chapter since I wanted to make it about Evanna and the Doctor, so in this one there will be more Amy and Rory.

Walking out of her room, Evanna could see the Doctor tinkering with the engine and sucked in a deep breath. It had been one week since their… encounter and everything had been awkward since. Actually, things were beyond awkward. Ever more so since the Doctor, after kissing her, pulled away and instantly ran to fix the engine, leaving Evanna behind confused and breathless. Quickly, she turned back and went into her room – only stopping when she saw the Ponds walk out of their room too; both witnessing her freak out when she spied the Doctor.

Amy frowned, “You okay?” She asked her friend with a curious gaze.

Evanna nodded quickly, “Yeah, never been better.”

“You don’t seem okay.” Amy pried, “You sure everything is alright?” Again, Evanna nodded quickly just trying to appease Amy with false answers. The fact was, she wasn’t alright – but she didn’t want to tell Amy or Rory because they’d probably end up blabbing it to the Doctor.

“You’ve been like this for a couple of days.” Rory noted, stepping from behind his wife to beside her, “Whenever you saw the Doctor or were around him – you complained of feeling unwell and just vanished to your room.”

“Yeah. He’s been actually awful weird too...” Amy nodded, crossing her arms over her chest, “Did something happen between you two?” Evanna swiftly shook her head; too quickly, “Evanna,” Amy raised her eyebrows, “What happened between you two?”

Throwing a glance over her shoulder, Evanna sighed, “We maybe… kissed.” Evanna whispered.

“WHAT?!” Rory exclaimed. Faster than the speed of light Amy had shoved both Evanna and Rory into Evanna’s room so the Doctor didn’t hear any more than he had.

“Details now.” Amy ordered, pushing Evanna onto her bed and telling Rory to stand guard to see if the Doctor was coming near, by opening the door a few millimetres and crouching down to look.

“Well, uh…” Evanna scratched the back of her neck before delving into the details, “I wanted to go home; just because I missed my family. I was going to come back here; I just wanted to see them for a few hours. I told the Doctor to come with me so he knew that I would come back and he took me back to a week after I left with him. So obviously my parents wanted answers. I tried to explain but my mum started shouting and I left and went up to my old room.”

“Yeah…” Rory interrupted, “But how does this have to do with you and the Doctor kissing?”

“Shut up and stand guard, I’m getting to that bit.” Evanna growled, making Amy smirk.

“There’s a vent in my room and in the living room; I can hear what’s going on downstairs and the Doctor started saying how it was his fault not mine. They shouldn’t blame me and just things like that. Then he said that he’d been my close friend for about two years and my dad asked if we were together and the Doctor said no but he would love it if we were.”

“He did not!” Amy gasped, grinning widely.

“But he kept saying how I was far too good for him and how he was wrong for me; which is true since I’m a human and he’s an alien but he came up to my room and we spoke for a bit.”

“What did you say?” Amy giggled.

“I thanked him for sticking up for me and then he got confused so I explained about the vent and then he realised that I heard him. Then it was really awkward and I told him that he wasn’t right me for me. He was all sad and stuff and then I said… I said that even though he wasn’t what I needed, he was what I wanted.”

“Shut up!” Amy gaped at her, “What did he do? Is that when you kissed?”

Evanna shook her head, “No, I didn’t give it a chance – I told him we could talk later and then we went back downstairs. We were talking to my parents for about two hours and then we said our goodbyes. When we left the Doctor totally ran into the TARDIS and I walked in making a joke and then… he kissed me.” She ended with a slight blush and a shrug.

Amy grinned at her, “Well?” She asked, “Was it good?”

Before Evanna had the chance to reply, Rory hissed, “He’s coming!” From outside, the Doctor wandered down the hall and stopped a little bit outside of Evanna’s door. He looked at it, pondering whether or not he should go talk to her and clear the air. He stepped forward and heard a bit of a ruckus and saw a flash of red hair in the small crack that was opened.

“Out you come Ponds.” He called, hands on his hips. Slowly, Amy and Rory walked out, Amy punching her husband’s shoulder.

“That was your fault Rory!” She grumbled.

“Ow! No it wasn’t! He was going to go in either way!” Rory defended as they walked along the corridor and into their room.

The Doctor slowly slipped inside Evanna’s room and closed the door behind him, “Hey…” Evanna sighed breaking the silence.

“Hi,” He replied with a tight smile.

They were quiet for a while, “Listen,” They started simultaneously.

“On you go.” Evanna laughed slightly.

“I’m sorry that I’ve made things awkward and difficult.” He nodded, avoiding her eyes.

Evanna nodded, unsure of what to say, “Can we… Can we forget about it?” She asked softly. Neither of them wanted to forget about it but they knew that the two of them would never work.

His face fell but he quickly composed himself, “Yeah,” A forced smile curled onto his lips, “That’s what I was going to suggest.”

Evanna forced a small smiled and stood up, “Back to being best friends?” She asked, her voice holding a twinge of sadness. She extended her hand to him.

Gladly, he shook her hands, “Best friends.” He agreed softly and sadly. They stared into each other’s eyes for a while, their hands still joined before he pulled back quickly, “Let’s go adventure!” He yelled running out, “Come along Ponds, Evanna!” He yelled behind him as he disappeared.

Sighing, Evanna left her room; meeting Amy and Rory and dismissing their questions with the shake of her head. The trio walked into the control room, “What’s on the agenda today?” Amy asked with a smile walking over to him.

“Anything you want.” The Doctor grinned, watching as Evanna stared at the ground absentmindedly. He sighed before forcing a grin, “How about 1974? Great year!”

Quick note here! Can I ask you to review please? Even if you inbox me? Seriously, I will read and respond to all of them. Critisize me if you must (please just don't be too harsh). But if you like this series and want me to maybe make it into an actual story instead of just one shots then tell me! I appreciate all comments and reviews. If you're too scared to message me publically, just inbox me. Honestly, I really don't mind. Even if you just drop a line saying 'cool story' or 'I like it, keep writing' I will honestly love you forever! ;) But seriously, I want to hear from you guys and hear your opinions on my writing because at the end of the day I want to better my writing so even critisims are really great and I will take them onboard! So if you like this and want me to make it into an actual story (where it may or may not follow the storyline) . Please? Thank you to every single person who reads and votes on this story. Tell me what you think and what I should do next or whatever! :) 

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