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"ACHOO!" The Doctor sneezed, hands covering his face, "Oh wow, must be around- ACHOO!" He sneezed again.

Amy raised her eyebrows, "Are you sure you don't have a cold?"

"No. I don't get colds. Haven't had one in three hundred years." He sniffed, wiping his nose with a tissue which he pulled from his pocket.

"Doesn't mean you can't get one." Evanna smirked, walking down the stairs.

"I don't have a cold." the Doctor told them, "Now where would you like to go?"


"He has a cold, doesn't he?" Amy mumbled to Evanna and Rory as the Doctor continued to sneeze.

"Definitely." Rory nodded.

"Too proud to admit it." Evanna added in, causing Amy and Rory to laugh.

"Come on you three!" the Doctor exclaimed.

"We're fine back here! Don't want to catch your cold!" Evanna smirked.

"I don't- ACHOO! I don't have a cold!'

"So why do you keep sneezing? Why does your nose keep running? What about the fogginess in your head? Can't forget the fever." Evanna smirked, stepping up to him.

Amy and Rory grinned, "Yeah Doctor," Amy said, "Explain."

The Doctor frowned at them before taking a tissue out of his pocket and blowing his nose, "I'm fine." He grumbled before they continued their journey.


A while later, the Doctor was sitting on a bench, fanning himself with his hands. Evanna, who was buying some lunch with Amy and Rory, points over at him giggling. She got her lunch before walking back over, "You okay?" She smirked.

"Yeah," he said dismissively, "Just really warm. How warm is it?"

"Seven degrees." She smirked, "It’s the middle of winter here Doctor. It’s freezing!"

He frowned at her, confused as to why he was so warm.

"Chip?" She asked, holding them under his nose.

Instantly he recoiled, wanting to throw up, "No." He hissed, "Not hungry."

"You sure?" She grinned, "You look awful Doc, maybe you should go back to the TARDIS." she suggested with a small laugh.

He shook his head but regretted it as shooting pains went through his head, "Ah!" He groaned, holding onto his head. Amy and Rory walked over then.

"What's wrong with you then?" Amy asked, popping a chip in her mouth and eating it.

"Nothing." He groaned, "I’m just going to go back to the TARDIS. You can all wait here and come back when you've finished."

He stood up, stumbling from his light headedness, "Woah," Evanna said holding him up, "I’ll take him back... Don't hurry or anything I doubt he'll be able to take us anywhere for the next few days."

"I’m fine!" He grumbled as Amy and Rory laughed before he and Evanna began to walk away – well Evanna walking and the Doctor stumbling.

“You’re not fine, Doctor.” Evanna rolled her eyes, wrapping her arm around his waist to help him walk.

He grumbled something incoherent before the two lapsed into silence. Evanna’s thoughts drifted to a few weeks back when she was almost taken back in time by a Weeping Angel. Her mind coasted towards when she and the Doctor were on the phone and what she admitted to him. She swallowed, glancing over at the Doctor who was rubbing his face tiredly. She loved him; well that’s what she had said to him. She hadn’t realised until that very moment what she felt for him. It wasn’t until she was going to die that she had actually realised that she was in love with the mad man.

A Mad Man and His Blue Box {11th Doctor Who} - Series of One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now