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A/N: Hi… It’s been a looooooong time since I updated this story. I really do apologise. It’s my own sheer laziness and own writer’s block. Exams have been stressful; I’ve barely had any time for me but now it’s summer so, I thought why not write? I do hope you enjoy. Again, sorry loves.

Eight and a half months later

Evanna had blocked the Doctor from her mind – well, she had tried at least. The initial shock had worn off; it wore off within a matter of days. The Doctor was really gone. He had left her. He had let go of her.

Though, the anger and the sadness and the overwhelming pain were still there. Evanna didn’t think she’d ever get rid of those three. No matter how hard she tried, the Doctor always – without a doubt – wriggled into her mind. She remembered those times where they would argue over where to go, when they would save the world time after time, when he would grab her hand and whisper, “Run,”… She remembered them all. Every single moment was embedded into her mind forever. Evanna missed him; her whole body and mind yearned for him – for his adventures, for his big sad eyes, for his touch…

Months passed and Evanna had deserted all hope. He was never going to come back. He was utterly and truly gone. Although Evanna acted like she’d moved on, she never did. She loved him and he left her. But her friends took matters into their hands and made the young, sad girl move on. They made her go out to clubs, they made her talk to new people and when a young man happened to ask her on a date; they made her accept his offer. And this seemed to fill some of the void that the Time Lord left.

His name was Thomas – Tom for short. He was what Evanna needed then; a sensible, focused guy who wouldn’t take her to other worlds. He was the opposite of the Doctor and well… Tom was boring. That’s not to say that Evanna didn’t like him, she did though she knew that it would never go anywhere. Tom was an incredibly sweet guy, always thinking of Evanna – sending her flowers when she was working or sending cute texts to her. He spent the six months that they’d been dating trying to charm her into loving him. His plan failed. Though however charming and kind Tom was; he wasn’t the Doctor.

But, Evanna had pushed the Doctor to the back of her mind – only thinking about him seldom. Tom was she needed; a handsome, level-headed, smart man. She could live without the Doctor, of course she could. It wasn’t as though he was Evanna’s everything – yes, he had been for a time, but he wasn’t anymore. And yes, although she was in love with the mad man, Evanna was moving on; quite well in fact.

Spraying some perfume on, Evanna smiled at herself in the mirror, “So how do I look?” She asked her roommate, Carrie, as she gave a twirl.

Carrie smiled, “Gorgeous.” She replied, “Tom won’t be able to utter a word when he sees you.” She smirked.

Evanna giggled, “It’s our six month anniversary, I want it to be special.”

“So, is that why I’m getting kicked out for a few hours?” Carrie teased her friend.

“Yeah, sorry about that,” Evanna laughed, “He’s always taking me out and stuff so I wanted to make him dinner for a change. Make some dinner, drink some wine, cuddle up on the couch… Just something simple, you know?”

Carrie nodded, “Well have fun, and please; if you two are totally banging, text me or leave a sock of something on the door handle so I don’t walk in on you two being rabbits.” The curly blonde teased.

With reddening cheeks, Evanna brushed her friend off with a laugh, “Oh ha, ha.” She rolled her eyes, “Now go. Tom should be here in half an hour and I need to start preparing dinner.”

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