Chapter 6 - Azalea

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I can't believe I keep waking up like this, it's draining me. Plus, being pregnant makes me more tired and more unaware during the day when I don't get enough sleep. Like this, like now even though Franky is soothing me back to sleep. I still feel exhausted, I'm tired of the nightmares. Nightmares are how people deal with things when they're unconscious since they don't deal with them when their awake.

It was the day of the wedding rehearsal. I couldn't wait to see Franky, she was out doing a little shopping for God knows what. I was in the room getting ready when I got a phone call.

"Azalea, how have you been?" General Washington immediately said as he heard me pick the phone up. He's been calling once a month.

"I've been okay. The nightmares are still there. But, the baby is doing amazing." He loved the name we picked out, he thinks it fits perfect. Since what I went through and how I've been recovering.

"That is wonderful. I am so glad that you are doing... What sir? Yes, alright. Okay Azalea I have to go, duty calls." You could tell that he was smiling.

"Alright, talk to you later." He was like a dad to me, he was always making sure I was okay. I loved that about General Washington.

I finished getting ready and Franky walked into the room smiling, "You ready?" she seemed so relaxed.

"Of course my love." I couldn't help but just be so gentle with her.

We walked into the venue and it was beautiful, everything was white and cream with amazing flowers. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. It seemed so unordinary and refreshing. I felt like I was becoming a new woman, that all the past was going to be behind me. It just made me smile and Franky looked at me, smiling. That's all she could do, was smile.

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