Chapter 1: Meeting

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I was having a pleasant dream when I heard a loud noise that made me scream and roll off my bed. When I sat up, I saw a chicken standing on my windowsill, clucking loudly.

I tsked and walked up to it. "Silly chicken," I said. "Don't you know it's rude to wake someone up like that?" The chicken looked at me with beady eyes and clucked again.

I chuckled and shook my head before gazing at my clock. "Oh shoot!," I yelled. "It's already noon. I'm gonna be late for Endercon!" I put on a white shirt with a flower on it and blue jeans and was about to walk out the door when I remembered something. Running to my chest, I opened it and took out a small block of dirt. "Hello Billy!," I said cheerfully. "Did you sleep okay?" "..." "Are you ready for Endercon?" "..." "Great! Let's go!"

Putting the dirt in my pocket, I raced out the door. I hope my friends are there. When I finally got there, I saw what looked like two rival teams arguing with each other. Curious, I stopped and listened to their conversation. "Well, well, well, if it isn't the Order of the Losers," said a boy wearing a leather jacket with an ocelot on the back.

"Great, the fail squad's here," said a girl with the same jacket. My eyes widened and my mouth made an O shape. Why are these people being so mean? "Lukas," said a guy with a beard who also wore an ocelot jacket, "get a load of these losers!"

A blond boy, presumably Lukas, said, "Let's go, guys" before walking through the front gate. He didn't seem that interested in teasing the other team. The others grinned menacingly at their rival team before following Lukas. The woman at the front desk turned to the ones still standing outside the gate. "Name, please?"

"Axel, and a how do you do?," said a big, burly man with a green hoodie. The woman looked past them and saw me standing there. "Is she part of your team?" The group looked behind them and were shocked to see me standing there. "Uh, n-nope! I'm already part of a team. They're called the Melonheads. They're already in there," I said nervously.

"Uh huh," said the woman skeptically. "And how do I know you're just saying that so you could sneak into the contest?" I gulped. Great. How do I answer that?

"It's alright," said a girl with red hair and freckles. "She's with me." The woman nodded and decided to let me through. As I walked through the gate, I saw one of them staring at me. He was a light skinned boy with brown hair, a white shirt, and blue overalls. When he saw me looking at him, his face turned pink and he turned away.

When we were out of earshot, I sighed in relief and said, "Thanks Annie. I owe you one." Suddenly, she grabbed my arm tightly and pulled me in front of her. "Oh, you owe me more than that, Alexandra. Where the hell were you? We thought you'd never show up!"

I gulped and stuttered, "W-w-well my alarm clock d-didn't work, so I woke up l-l-late and a chicken woke me up a-and--" Before I could finish, she slapped me hard in the face. "I don't want to hear any of your excuses, you freak," she growled. "Next time, don't be late, or you'll get more than just bruises on your arms, got it?"

I nodded frantically. I didn't want her to get more mad at me. The beatings she usually gave me were more than enough. Annie grunted and let go of my arm. "Useless thing," she muttered. "Don't know why I put up with you."

Tears started leaking out of my eyes. Trying not to cry, I reached into my pocket and took out the dirt block. "Oh Billy," I moaned. "You're the only friend I have." As usual, the dirt said nothing. Sniffing, I put Billy back in my pocket and followed Annie to our booth.

When we got there, I saw Thomas at the booth, leaning on the sign and giving me a death glare. I flinched and looked away. His beatings were even worse. "What happened this time?," he asked in an icy tone. When Annie told him everything, he snorted. "Figures. She always has to find a way to mess things up." I looked down and said nothing.

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