Chapter 21: God

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All the citizens of Beacontown gathered around the gates, staring up at the prismarine giant with fearful eyes. "GREETINGS, TINY PEOPLE," the giant boomed, causing everyone to cover their ears and cower. "I...AM THE ADMIN. SORRY. THAT WAS PROBABLY REALLY LOUD TO YOUR PATHETIC, TINY EARS." The crowd nervously murmured to each other. "I am beyond scared right now," Radar whimpered.

"Welp, guess Jack's eye wasn't enough for it," said Petra. "I WISH TO SPEAK WITH ALEX, THE GAUNTLET-BEARER," announced the giant. Taking a deep breath, I went forward. "Then look no further!," I said, trying to sound brave. "I'm here now!" "I KNOW," said the giant. "THAT'S WHY I WAS, LIKE, LOOKING RIGHT AT YOU." ...Oh.

"COME," the giant spoke. "SPEAK WITH ME FACE TO FACE." "Oh boy," murmured Petra. "'Admin'?," asked one of the townspeople nervously. "Have you ever heard of such a thing?" "Jesse...," asked Radar, "what's going on here?" Before Jesse could answer, a shrill voice filled the air. "I'll tell you what's going on!," yelled a dirty, bearded man who had climbed on top of a house to get everyone's attention. It was Crazy Bill.

"I told you so!," screeched Crazy Bill, staring at us with bloodshot eyes. "I warned you that this would happen! The Admin has finally returned to the mortal realm! This woman--" He pointed right at me. "--has led him right to us! There is no hope for us! We're all doomed! DOOMED!" Normally, the citizens would have brushed it off as another one of Crazy Bill's rantings, but with a giant living statue literally standing on the other side of the city walls, the crowd was not completely in their right minds. Everyone began to panic, desperately asking Jesse and the others on what to do. Some of them screamed in terror and a few outright fainted. Putting two fingers in my mouth, I whistled loudly.

Everyone stopped in their tracks and listened to what I had to say. "Listen up, everyone!," I hollered. "There's nothing to worry about! I'm just gonna have a chat with... mister prismarine colossus here... and get this whole thing sorted out! Hero's honor!" That seemed to calm everyone down, though they were still incredibly on edge. " 'Admin'," a man said shakily. "A huge colossus at our door." "I'm all right with not freaking out. Yet," said a woman standing next to him. "You're going to fix this, right Alex?," asked a third man. I looked at the statue impatiently waiting outside, its arms crossed.

"Don't worry everyone," I said calmly. "I'm just gonna talk to him." "Okay," said Radar. "Diplomacy. Nice. That sounds good." "Ahem," the giant cleared this throat. He slammed his hands on top of the walls. "I WOULD LIKE TO PROCEED, GAUNTLET BEARER. DO NOT TEST MY PATIENCE." "Well," said Ghost, audibly gulping. "You heard him. Go get 'im, 'gauntlet bearer'." "Clay comin' your way!," cried Nell, running towards us with clay blocks in her hands. I smiled at her. "Thanks Nell," I said, taking the clay from her.

I was about to walk towards the giant before Jesse grabbed my hand. "Hold on," he said urgently. "Maybe I should be the one to talk with the Admin. You don't have to do this." Despite the gravity of the situation, I gave him a smirk. "Jesse!," I said, pretending to be hurt. "Are you insinuating that I'm not capable of having a simple chat with a goliath that could literally squish me like a bug?" "This isn't a joke, Alex!," barked Jesse. "You shouldn't have to risk your life for this! Let me be the one who--" "I ONLY WISH TO SPEAK WITH THE GAUNTLET BEARER!," roared the giant, causing a huge gust of wind to nearly knock everyone flat. "NOW HURRY UP! I AM A VERY IMPATIENT GOD."

Jesse still seemed torn between letting me go and facing the wrath of the colossus. I squeezed his hand comfortingly. "Everything's going to be okay, Jesse," I said. Jesse stared at me with apprehensive eyes, then nodded and let me go. I walked up to a house in front of the giant and used the clay blocks to elevate myself to the roof. Now I was standing right in front of the giant's face. The very definition of nightmare fuel.

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