Chapter 7: Grinder

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I felt someone poking my face and slowly opened my eyes with a groan. Jesse was standing over me with a worried expression on his face. "Alex, are you okay?," he asked. I sat up and looked around the room. There was Lukas, Axel, Olivia, Petra, and Reuben. However, Magnus and Ellegaard were missing. "W-what happened?," I asked as Jesse pulled me to my feet. "Petra came to us and said you fell down a hole," said Lukas. "We went after you and found you sleeping on the floor. What happened to you, by the way?"

I shook my head a little to clear my thoughts. Suddenly, I remembered everything. "It was Ivor!," I blurted. "He was in this room and threw some kind of potion at me. I think I remember him saying it was a sleeping potion." Petra hobbled towards me. My eyes widened at her worsening condition. "Ivor was here?! Did he hurt you?!"

I shook my head. "No, he didn't hurt me. But he did say he was sorry for throwing that potion at me." Everyone in the room gave me varied looks of disbelief. Axel scoffed. "Yeah, right," he said. "I bet he was only sorry that his evil plan didn't work." I was about to tell him that Ivor's apology sounded pretty sincere when Jesse said, "Guys, look!"

We turned and saw him holding out the amulet. One of the amulet's parts was glowing white. "Soren!," Jesse exclaimed. "Find him, Jesse," said Petra. "Maybe he can help us." We watched Jesse walk around the room, pointing the amulet in different directions. When Jesse pointed it to the ground, the amulet glowed the brightest. "This is the spot," said Jesse. "It has to be." "Maybe," said Axel. Jesse observed the amulet a little longer.

"This is definitely it," he said. "Get ready to dig, people." "Who knows how far down that goes?," said Lukas nervously. "We're digging here!," Jesse said in an assertive tone. "With our hands if we have to." "Yeah, okay," said Lukas reluctantly. "Look, I'm with you, Jesse. I just want to know what we're getting into." "This," said Axel, walking forwards.

"PAI-GOW!," he yelled, slamming his fist into the ground. A single stone block was pulverized in an instant. While it wasn't much, it was definitely progress. "Let's get to it then," said Jesse. We worked together for a while to punch through the layers of stone, but eventually let Jesse do the rest. We watched as he slowly mined his way into the ground, creating a three by three pit in the process. Finally, we saw him stop.

"Are we cool?," asked Axel. "It's a hole," said Jesse. "Does that mean we're cool?," asked Axel. "I'll find out," said Jesse. We saw Jesse jump into the hole and look around. "Looks pretty good!," he said. "Uhh, it's dark, but other than that we're okay." "Heading down!," called Olivia as she began to climb down the hole. "Don't look up!," she said. "I've got to work up the nerve." After a few seconds, Jesse suddenly yelled, "Wait!"

"You have to say that now?!," yelled Olivia, stopping her climbing. "Something's not right," said Jesse. Suddenly, we saw a swarm of bats coming out of nowhere and flying around Jesse. "Bats!!!," he screamed. We all screamed in terror, even though Axel had no idea what was going on. Jesse waved his arms and was able to shoo the bats away.

"All right," said Jesse. "It's safe now!" We all jumped down the hole using some blocks that Jesse left behind to use as footholds. Axel, however, decided to jump straight down and landed on Lukas. I winced and pulled Axel off of him. "Are you okay?," I asked. He smiled and nodded. Petra jumped down too, but had to take in deep breaths afterwards.

"Everyone okay?," asked Jesse. "I just slipped," said Petra. My heart clenched when I saw her decomposing arm. "What's that smell?," asked Olivia, unaware that she was smelling Petra's rotting flesh. "Just breath through your mouth," said Petra. "Axel already does that," said Lukas jokingly. "Hey," said Axel, not taking the joke too well.

"Let's get out of here," said Jesse. We walked through the tunnel using the amulet's light as a guide. Finally, we arrived at the end of the tunnel and saw what appeared to be a massive sewer system. We all gave various exclamations of shock and awe. "We have to get out of here," said Olivia urgently. "What?!," exclaimed Lukas. "We have to get out of here!," yelled Olivia much more urgently. "We just got here!," complained Axel.

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