epilogue ↴

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as harper chugged the bottle of alcohol and danced, her boyfriend josh danced behind her holding her hips. the loud music flowing threw the kitchen. beth walked into the room turned of the music, and took the bottle from my hands.

"hey we were dancing!" the drunk boy slurred to his sister.

"well, i think its time we stop." the bobbed haired girl stated to the drunk couple. 

"okay, okay mom!" i gave in sitting on the stool next to a already passed out chris. i laughed throwing my head back at his condition. josh sat next to me placing a hand on my upper thigh and putting his head down on the counter i followed his lead.

"did you see that harp? dad said it would just be us this weekend." she said to me walking over and rubbing my back knowing i was getting sick.

"nope, nope i didn't." i complained to the short haired girl. my heart started to pound and my stomach began to ache.

"fuck." i grunted then stumbled over to the sink and started to vomit up all the liquid. i looked over to talk to beth but she disappeared. i grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and sat back on the stool after i chugged the bottle i fell back asleep on the counter.

"harp, harper wake up!" i lifted my head to see a nervous jessica.

"oh my god what!" i scolded her. while rubbing my temples.

"hannah and beth are gone! please don't be mad harp."

"what." i snapped my head into her direction standing up, "what did you do!" i yelled at the group of people standing behind jessica.

"it... it was just a prank harp i swear." jessica whispered to me, starting to tear up.

"did you have something to do with this because i swear to god!" i stomped over to ashley. she looked at the ground and i scoffed. i looked back and saw chris and josh still passed out.

"what time is it." i ask angrily. 

"three in the morning," matt answered.  harper stomps over to chris and shakes him awake.

"listen buddy-boy you're "girlfriend who is amazing and the kindest person ever" really pissed me off tonight so you better get to scolding before i do!" i yell. stepping over to josh, i more gently shake him.

"hey josh! josh wake up!" i loudly tell him.

"what?" he stirs and i weakly look at him. my kindness doesn't last long though. "tell him!" i yell to the group of people.

"hannah and beth um, they ran into the blizzard and we can't find them." emily explains.

"w-what? what happened?" he asks standing.

"we are so sorry josh really!" mike says.

"yeah, yeah i bet you are you fucking ass." i say walking up to the group. josh holds me back knowing i'll do something or say something not so nice.

"well l-lets just try to find them." josh says stumbling over words. i glare at the group, jessica turns to the wall phone and calls the police to also look.

i stomp into the living room and wrap my winter jacket around my body i make my way back into the kitchen.

"coming?" i ask the group. they nod and follow me outside.

from that day we never saw the twins again. it was all a prank though... right?

status' that are bolded have changed! i will make a status update after every chapter.

Last Breath - fem!oc x joshua washingtonWhere stories live. Discover now