chapter 5 ↴

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it was josh.

why would he do this? i didn't know. hell nobody knew.

"josh?" mike asked. he laughed as he looked at the group. his laughter slightly dying down when he looked at me.

"josh!" sam yelled at the brunette. he continued to laugh as he walked around.

"oh very good! everyone of you, you got my name!" he laughed while turning to face us once more. "and after all you've been through good, good, good, good, good, good. i mean how does that feel, right? how does that feel; do you enjoy feeling terrorized, humiliated i mean panicked. all those emotions that my sisters got to feel once one year ago? only guess what they didn't get to laugh it off no, nope no no! their gone!" he rambles. i just look down and start to hyperventilate. 

"oh come on, come, come, come, come, why the long faces? come on-" i couldn't take it. i turned on my heel and walked out. tears were streaming down my face and i was gasping for air. my boyfriend is dead. well no i thought he was. i raced up the stairs into the living room and walked outside. where the hell is jessica? i heard a screech but thought nothing of it. i need to find my best friend. 

i started to run into the direction of the guest cabin. okay maybe i'm an idiot for running out like that but i can't stand the fact that my boyfriend played that sick prank. my thoughts were cut short when a large spider like creature jumped out at me. i screamed and started to shuffle back. the creature screeched at me and grabbed me digging its nails slightly into my ribs. it started to jump away with me in its arms. i couldn't see much as i cried out in pain. my vision went black.


i began to stir as i was hit with a wave of severe pain. i looked down and saw that there was a huge rip in my jeans and a gash. my coat was gone and my shirt had a rips in it with cuts. a big one by my left rib. 

"what the hell." i managed to crook out. i looked around i was in some sort of mine. i groaned as i sat up and began to stand up i fell back to the floor as i grunted once more and tucked my knees closer to my chest. i jerked my head back to the sound of my name being whispered it was matt and jess.

"oh thank god!" i exclaimed quietly as matt rushed over to help me up. jessica stumbled behind him.

"oh shit, what happened harp?" matt asked pulling me up. i winced as he touched my cuts. 

"i-i don't really- the monster, i-it got me." i said just above a whisper so he could hear.

"harp." jessica whispered pulling me into her arms loosely. i draped my arms over her and pulled away i examined her face and she did mine. 

"here. take my jacket harp you must be really cold." matt said quietly, slipping off his jacket and handing it to me.

"thank you." i said lowly slipping the jacket over my body.

Last Breath - fem!oc x joshua washingtonWhere stories live. Discover now