chapter one ↴

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i apply more red lipstick to my lips and smile. my mom comes into my room.

"hey honey, you look beautiful." she smiles at me.

"thank you mom." i say standing up and grapping my coat and beanie. i slip into my black puffer jacket and put my black beanie on my head.

"beanie or no?" i ask my mom still looking into my mirror. dark jeans, white sweater, black puffer jacket, and black combat boots.

"hm, i wonder." she walks over to me and put her arm around my shoulder. 

"no beanie!" she declares. 

"no beanie it is ma'am!" i say to her.

then looking over at me. "oh did you take your pill?"

"oh not yet ill go do that right now." i then walk into my bathroom and open my medicine cabinet. i take the pill bottle and look at it sadly. i screw open the cap and pop one into my mouth and swallow. ever sense hannah and beth i was diagnosed with severe anxiety, its honestly gotten way better sense i started to take pills. i haven't really talked to the group only josh, sam and jessica a little. i've always never liked ashley. in pre-school she said i was ugly and pushed me off the play ground ever sense then i've always had this hatred for her.

"c'mon lets roll!" my mom yells from down stairs. i smirk a bit and walk into my room grabbing my black duffel back with "harper" written on it in white, and a black bookbag and slung them onto my shoulder i grabbed my phone off of the vanity and slid it into my pocket. i walked down the stairs and opened the door stepping out into the cold winter night.

"bout' time baby doll." my mom smiled at me. "by the way dad said have a good time." i smiled at her words and popped the trunk. setting my bags into the trunk closing it then jumping into the passenger seat.

"how you feelin'?" she asks me looking over.

"a little nervous but ready." i nod at her. she nods back understandingly and starts the car putting it into drive and reversing.

we pull up in front of the black wood pines sign and i sigh. i step out of the car and my mom does also. i open the trunk and take my duffel bag and sling it over one shoudler my black book back over the other.

"i'll see you tomorrow mom?" i say turning to her.

"yes i'll see you tomorrow, i love you honey." she gives me a hug i give her one back.

"i love you too! see ya!" i say trying to be as happy as possible. i start to walk the trail and hear my phone go off the notification reads :

baby joshie : "gotta' hop over the fence its busted. :("

me : "alright thanks for telling me! :*"

i sigh and continue to walk the trail. i come to the gate and throw both of my bags over, and start to climb the wall pulling my self over and leaping down grunting from the impact. i play soccer, cheer for the football team and do track so im very well fit for a lot of athletic movement and such. i grab my bags and continue on to the cable car. i open the door and walk into the control center and pressing the bring back car button. i walk to a bench and sit waiting for the car to arrive.

while i sit and wait i start to get excited at the fact that i will be seeing all of my old buddies. i really miss jess and sam, they are my bestfriends but its just hard after what happened last year. jessica and i are much closer then sam and i but we are all really close. i was so deep in thought i didn't even notice the cable car had arrived. i stand up grab my bags and step into the cable car.

i've made it across closer to the lodge i open the door and walk out i see chris, sam and jessica talking to eachother they all turn there attention to me. jessica smiles i smile back, chris laughs and sam smirks. like i said, jessica has always been my best friend and she always will no matter what in first grade we met eachother on the swings taking turns and pushing each other ever sense then we have been the bestest friends. 

"harper!" they say and all run to me and pulled me into a hug chris pulled away first, then sam, then jessica.

"hey harp how have you been?" jessica asked me smiling and looking over my over grown hair and greener eyes.

"good thanks!" i smile back at her knowing she's observing my looks, i will admit i have gotten way prettier sense last year.

"hey harpie!" sam says and laughs.

"hey sammy!" i say back to her. god our stupid nicknames.

"okay, i'll see you guys at the lodge. gotta' go meet joshy, you know how impatient he gets." i say rolling my eyes they laugh and agree.

i begin walking again, and smile i really missed them. i did. i was getting closer and closer to the lodge and my heart was pounding, no not because of the lodge because of josh believe it or not i haven't seen him sense hannah and beth's disappearance i always put it off because the flashbacks, oh how i hated them. i want to see him now. i wore my signature scent, roses and pumpkins? i know odd combination, but you will not believe how many creepy complaints i get.

i walk up to the lodge, josh, matt and ashley turn there heads to look at me. ashley looks me up and down dirtily, matt smiles at me, and josh smiles and walks towards me and pulls me into a hug. 

"i missed you harp." he says sincerely.

"i missed you to joshy!" i pull away and i instead pull im into a kiss he kisses back and pulls me closer by my hips i giggle into the kiss and pull away he smiles, and observes the changes of my looks. longer hair, and my eyes have gotten a darker green. he then puts a hand around my hip and walks me towards matt and ashley. i look at matt and give him a hi - five hello, it seems awkward but its been our thing sense 4th grade.

sam and chris walk up and we turn around josh pulls chris into a bro and sam into a lose regular one.

"we are missing jess, mike, and emily hopefully they didn't get ate by a monster!" i joke with them wiggling my fingers. they laugh.

"no joke i swear i saw a bear on my way up here." josh says smiling.

"yeah me too." chris says. 

"okay, okay boys." sam says and we all giggle. like we used to, in highschool.

"okay chris wanna help me get this baby open, already tried and its frozen shut."

"sure josh, let's go try to get a window open." chris says.

"be right back, my love." josh says to me giving a quick peck on the lips and turns a way to go with chris i smile and turn to see sam.

Last Breath - fem!oc x joshua washingtonWhere stories live. Discover now