chapter 3 ↴

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i'll admit i was scared, i haven't been scared like this sense last year. i was sobbing, but i couldn't. i hated showing any emotion, i wiped my tears and tried to pull it together. i walked downstairs and heard crying. "sam?" i said hearing a tone that sounded like my best friend.

"harp! harper please help me!" sam cried. i busted into the room to see me in the tub projected on the wall. i gagged and turned away. "pretty isn't she. bathing like a little bird." i turned back to see josh being ripped apart by saws. his screams of terror make my insides turn.

"josh no!" i almost fell to the floor but sam caught me and hugged me. 

"oh my god what did you do?!" sam yelled to the voice.

"im going to give you ten seconds," i pulled away confused, teams streamed down my cheeks. "nine, eight, seven," all of a sudden a man busts through the door, wearing a janitor like bodysuit and a creppy mask.  

"no, no, no please no!" sam screamed i just looked at the man tearing up once more, i grabbed sams hand and we ran.  we hopped over the bed and ran down the stairs. we ran through corridors and down hallways. then there was a door with now handle. "are you kidding me, no handle?" sam yelled.

the man was getting closer, i pushed down the wine cooler and the knob fell from on top of the cooler. i handed sam the knob and she inserted it through the hole. we ran into the room and slammed the door. the psycho put his hand though the hole and tried to unlock it, luckily sam got the thing closed.

there was another door ahead. "step back harp." sam said. i was shaking. i stepped back, she busted through the locked door and fell. i gasped and helped her up i could see she was bleeding, we walked down the long hallway. there was a drop and we dropped down. i held my breath and grabbed ahold of sam's hand. the man looked up and down and couldn't find us.

"fuck!" the psycho yelled. he walked away. once we knew for sure he was gone we let out sighs and i wrapped sam in a hug. i was sobbing. 

"sh, harper its okay i promise." she whispered to be rubbing my back.

"no its not. josh is dead." i winced. i wipped my tears and stood up "we have to find a way to the others, then we need to get out of here." i said. sam nodded. i stood up, sam followed and i spotted a vent. i walked over to the vent and kicked it open. "c'mon crawl in." i said to the blonde. she obyed and crawled in the vent. cold hands grabbed my hips. i screamed. "no please let me go!" i screamed, the man turned me around and punched me knocking me out.

. . .

Last Breath - fem!oc x joshua washingtonWhere stories live. Discover now