chapter 4 ↴

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my head ached as i began to stir awake. i opened my eyes to see i was still in the basement. i felt my head and winced as i pulled my hand back to my sight to see i had blood on my finger tips. i shakily stood up and leaned against the wall for support. i felt my eye and could feel it was puffy. i began to tear up as i realized sam wasn't by my side anymore. 

i need to find her. i walked down a hall way. i suddenly came across a board. with everyone on it. including me. 

"what the hell." i whispered. i heard voices talking and walked closer to them cautiously. i noticed it was sam and mike.

"sam!" i exclaimed quietly. she turned to me and sighed relievedly. she walked to me and gave me a loose hug. 

"oh harp, he really fucked you up." she said looking at my face.

"yeah, yeah i know."

"um guys can you uh, y'know lemme out now?" mike asked.

"oh yeah sorry." sam said. we walked out into a hallway with two doors. sam lifted the piece of wood. she set it down and open the door. we walked down the stairs as sam and i sighed.

"hey." mike spoke quietly, looking at my beaten face.

"jeez you look like hell." sam said, walking to the back off the room.

"nice to see you too." mike spoke turning around to face sam once more. sam set her backpack down and zipped it open. "what are you doing?" mike questioned sam.

"well turns out a towel isn't the best outfit for fighting off killer maniacs, y'know?" sam said. "do you mind mike?" motioning for mike to turn around.

"oh uh- right." mike stammered and turned around to face me. i leaned against the wall and sighed. "what happened to you harp?" mike asked me.

"well me and sam were about to crawl into the vent but that psycho grabbed me and punched me." 

"oh." mike spoke i nodded and bit my bottom lip as sam started to speak,

"okay, done." i looked at her as she started to walk over to us. "lets put this thing to bed." she spoke as she stuffed the towel into her bag.

"im into that." mike joked. we suddenly heard crying.

"what is that?" sam spoke looking at us both.

"is that... crying?" mike spoke.

ma and mike walked over to the blue door, and slammed into it as it opened and we were met with ashley and chris tied to chairs. now i really, really  dont like ashley but i can't help but be a little worried. 

i was snapped out of my thinking as soon as ashley cried, "no, no no get way!" the maniac was walking towards them. chris started to shoot at the psycho and i gasped.

"aw chris, aw chris, chris, chris. have you ever heard of blanks before?" the maniac questioned. "i mean really." the psycho was now facing all of us and he started to remove his mask. 

it was josh.

Last Breath - fem!oc x joshua washingtonWhere stories live. Discover now