chapter two ↴

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i turn to see sam, "hey sam. what's up?"

"hey harp, what's going on with you and ashley? she questions while kicking her feet in the snow. i look over her shoulder to see ashley looking at us, she quickly turns away when she sees me looking.

"you know i don't like her." i puff out and look to the side, and down at my combat boots.

"why though? i know she can be a major bitch sometimes." she scoffs looking back at her.

"sometimes? more like all the time. if she can't apologize for the years of bullying then she doesn't deserve to be my friend, the only reason she doesn't make fun of me anymore is because i got pretty, and i learned how to stand up for myself." i explain to the blonde.

"woah i had literally no idea she made fun of you harp, i'm sorry." she says shaking her head.

"it's alright, i'd love to see her say something now." i chuckle.

sam nods and walks off to talk to matt he looks upset, probably something about emily. next thing i know i see chris on the other side of the front door, i walk over to the steps and wait at the door. suddenly hands slip around my waist and i jump until i hear a familiar voice whisper in my ear.

"hey, it's okay. it's just me baby." i put my hands over his own. chris opens the door and jokes with ashley and sam. suddenly a animal runs out of the cabin. i scream along with everyone else and josh's grip tightens around my waist.

"aw, chris it was just a baby wolverine!" sam jokes, and laughs.

"baby wolverine? that thing could have killed me!" chris exclaimed. i laughed and so did josh. he let go of my waist and took my hand, dragging me into the cabin.

"this place barely looks any different." matt says looking around.

"nobody's been up here." josh says to the group of people piling in.

"even with all the police in and out?" ashley says.

"not a lot of action up her lately." chris answers ashley.

"nope." josh says quietly still holding harpers hand bringing her over to the fire place.

"what's up party people!" mike yells and walks in.

"heeey!" jess calls after him.

josh and i greet the pair and continue tending to the fire.

"make yourself and home, bro." josh says to the other brunette.

"will do." 

"yeah come in, take a load off. have whatever you want. you just take whatever you want anyway right?" matt says with bitterness.

"woah, easy there, cowboy." mike says defending himself.

"mike, stay away from my girlfriend."

"dude - what are you talking about? mike asks.

"stay away from emily!" matt yells.

"emily? why would i want anything to do with emily?"

"yeah. yeah, forget it i lost my head, been a long day." matt says backing up.

"yeah well try not to lose it again." the sound silence makes me tense up.

"oh. my god. that is so gross." ugh emily always starting drama. i roll my eyes. "are you trying to swallow his face whole?"

"em..." mike says lowly.

"seriously can she be anymore obvious?" the short haired girl spits. "no one wants in on your territory, honey." i turn my back against the fire place, josh follows and slings his arm around my shoulder.

Last Breath - fem!oc x joshua washingtonWhere stories live. Discover now