chapter 6 ↴

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we walked through the mines, i shivered as matt and jess walked beside me. suddenly we heard a screech, the same damn one from earlier. 

"oh no, please please no." i whispered as a shook my head.

"its okay harp, we got it." jess whispered to me. then we heard it once more getting closer. we saw a space between the walls.

"c'mon get in." matt said to us both, we did as he said. he followed in after us. the monster climbed on the wall, i could feel jess grab my hand loosely. it screeched once more before skittering away. jess let go of my hand and we slowly moved out of the gap. "we gotta get out of here." matt spoke to the both of us. suddenly two monsters get closer to us. we quickly tried to escape. matt broke a wood barrier and we shimmied onto the cliff.

"oh okay." jess spoke shakily. jess held onto me as we steadily stood on the cliff. i held onto matt as he made sure i was steady. the monsters jumped and looked for us. they went away. both of them. we were safe. 


we finally found a safe way down from the cliff, i was slowly starting to get a little stronger. but my bones ached. we walked through the woods cautiously looking around nervously every so often. 

"so um harp, how did the monster get to you?" jess asked me slipping her arm around my waist to pull me closer to her. 

"i um, i was trying to find you. josh i-i thought he was dead. there has a video of him getting ripped apart by this huge ass sawblade. but he played a huge terrifying prank." i explained to the pair, more jessica but matt was listening. 

"thats so shitty, like i know he has problems. but did he stop taking his meds?" she asked looking at me.

"i think so. theres no reason he would act like this if he was on them." i spoke looking down. we were very far from the cabin. i suddenly got really dizzy, stumbling slightly.

"woah harp you okay?" matt asked me.

"i-i don't know."

"here lemme help you the rest of the way." matt said putting his arm under my arm to support me.

"thank you matt." i spoke quietly.

"your welcome harp." matt spoke.

Last Breath - fem!oc x joshua washingtonWhere stories live. Discover now