Chapter 5

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Benjamin and Raechel talked to the Watsons and celebrated with a family dinner. Neither Benjamin nor Rachel wanted to wait that long, so they agreed to get married in a month. Although both Arthur and Beatrice believe that it is very soon.

This decision was due to Raechel letting Bemjamin choose the date. When he suggested to be in a month, Raechel did not contradict him. It seemed better to her, perhaps due to the fact that if she let time pass she would regret accepting the ring.

Raechel and Benjamin don't want something big, much to Beatrice's dissapointment. She expected the wedding to be the event of the year. She is annoyed that she won't be able to handle things her way. Raechel has already pleased her mother on everything, at least she must do the wedding her way.

Beatrice raises a toast, "Princess...Benjamin. The heart's never wrong. Nothing is more important than love. You are the perfect couple. I wish all the happiness for both of you.", she shed tears of happiness. Its incredible the hypocrisy. "Cheers."

Both Raechel and Benjamin can't believe how Beatrice acts really well as a good mother. They both know what is most important for Beatrice. Love is the last thing she thinks about in a marriage. Raechel is disgusted with herself since that is exactly what she is doing. She is going to marry a wonderful man, but not loving him.


The day is closer and Raechel's doubts grew more. She already made a promise to Benjamin. But it isn't better to tell him that she doesn't love him.? That she accept him because of the pressure of his mother? She should.

The day before the wedding, she is in her room trying on her wedding dress as both Beatrice and Angie observed how beautiful she looks. Raechel looked at herself in the mirror, dressed in white. She is about to unite her life with a man she does not love. She herself thought that she could fall in love, but would it still be a mistake to marry without love?

Benjamin was quick to propose to her and she was quick to say yes. But he loves her, he said it, of that she has no doubt. She was giving him a chance to win her heart and she made him think that he succeeded, while she was still in pain because of Oscar. She doesn't deserve Benjamin's love. With more reason, she hates herself for accepting him.

Angie noticed her crying and asks, "Sweety, why are the tears? Aren't you happy for your wedding?

"Raechel is just nervous. The bride always get emotional on their wedding day", Beatrice says.

She knows that Raechel's tears weren't of excitment. Of course. She is having second thoughts. Beatrice must talk to her so she asks Angie to leave the room.

"Princess, you're not having seconds thoughts, aren't you?", Beatrice asks bothered.

"Mother, its so hard doing this. I don't love him. I can't marry him." Raechel sobs louder. Then she takes a deep breath and thinks. She can still cancel out. Benjamin is comprehensive and he would understand. Better late than never. "Maybe its not too late to cancel it-"

"Don't you dare! You can't say that now. Not after what he's done. You owe him. Thanks to him, our situation is improving.", Beatrice confesses

Raechel asks her with her eyes what exactly does she mean.

"Benjamin paid all our debts. He gave us the grapes for the winery, he paid off the mortgage, and now...the wedding", Betrices says.

Raechel is distressed that Benjamin has been helping the family and Beatrice let him.

"Darling, I had no choice. Besides that was the deal", Beatrice just spill the beans.

"What deal? What deal, mother!?" Raechel asks angrily

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