Chapter 8

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Benjamin's words had stayed on Raechel's mind the whole night. She even starts to ask herself if he is right. What has Oscar done for her? She felt good when she was with him. But everytime they talked about moving things foward, talking with her parents, or marriage, he avoided it. He only wanted to run away with her but it wasn't what Raechel wanted.

Most importantly, has he ever said "I love you" to her like she did?

These thoughts disturbed her so much. She makes a call once again to her house, this time Angie answers. She finally has someone she can express her feelings to.

Angie asks her how are things going. Raechel doesn't hide anything from her.

"I can't lie to you. I'm living in hell. I can't take it anymore.", her voice is saddened, but angry.

Angie doesn't want her girl to be in those conditions. She knows what Benjamin was wrong, but Raechel can't be the victim either. Raechel has done mistakes too. Instead of keeping complaining, she has to do something to better it.

"What are you going to do?", Angie asks.

"I don't know sometimes I think about running away-"

"Darling, no. Running away isn't awlays the answer. You can't continue hating him and live like this. Isn't there a way you both could talk? Maybe if you do you may forgive him."

Rachel was expecting another kind of advice that doesn't involve forgiveness."Of course I won't forgive him. We did talk about it but it doesn't change what he did."

"Raechel, you can't spend your life holding a grudge against him. He has so far shown that he loves you. I know he is a sincere man. Don't you remember what you thought about him?"

"That was before. But I can't forget what he did.". Its understandable. Raechel has been treated like an object. Her mother sold her and it was Benjamin's idea.

But Benjamin is regretful and is doing what he can to treat her like a woman, but Raechel's rejections weren't helping.

"You can at least respect him. Not because it's your obligation as a wife, but because he deserves it. Be kinder to him. Get close to him. That way you won't feel like you're living in hell."


Seeing how Raechel has been sad and distant, Benjamin asks Tabitha, who he trusted the most, a favor.

"I want you to gain her trust. Talk to her. If she needs something, please let me know"

Benjamin sees Tabitha as a mother figure, she could be that for Raechel too.

"Sure. I believe she is nice, but sad." Tabitha hasn't spoken with Raechel other than for any service.

Tabitha has seen the couple's problems, and she talked to Benjamin about it. Benjamin has been like a son to her and she searches for his happiness. Tabitha can see Raechel feels lonely and needs someone to talk to. Tabitha wants to be that someone.

Tabitha brings breakfast to Raechel. Her silence is only grievous. She was about to leave the room, but decides to do what she proposed. She approaches Raechel to try to console her,
"Miss, I don't want to be obtrusive, but I don't like seeing the way you and Benjamin are distancing. If you need to, you can always talk to me."

"You barely know me. You don't have to because I'm Benjamin's wife. ", Raechel replies.

Tabitha lets her know that she only wants to be her friend. "It's not that. I can see in your eyes that you are a good-hearted person"

"Thank you"

Tabitha to make her feel better, she suggests, "If you want, we can go to visit the clinic. I heard that you wanted to volunteer." Raechel agrees, but is worried that Benjamin wants to go with her to keep an eye on her.

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