Prologue: Positive School Representation

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"It's been five years, and a lot has happened since we started our remodel. We've gained new facilities, we've got possibly the best team of instructors and faculty in all the worlds; and we're gonna show everything to you now! Lights! Camera! Act-"

"Rikku." Behind the still-hyper-as-ever blonde, Barret moved the microphone that had been hanging over her head. "Pretty sure I'm supposed to be the one doing the voiceover. I am the headmaster after all."

"Oh." Rikku smiled, embarrassedly, at the headmaster. Softly, she added, "Wasn't expecting you to be here yet. I was just eeerm, practicing? Yeah, let's go with that."

"Headmaster Wallace, we need you to be at your desk and look important." Rikku's assistant and assigned student-teacher Brecken Islington peeked out from behind one of the cameras. "Therefore, you actually won't be the one doing the voiceover."

"This is my chance!" Rikku grinned.

"Um, no it isn't, Rikku. You have to work the cameras, remember?"

"Drat." Rikku sighed. "Okay. At least I like cameras! Did you put everything together, Brecken? What are we filming, and in what order?"

Brecken flipped to a new page on her clipboard. "After the bird's-eye view of the school, we film Headmaster Wallace in his office, then the teachers in the traditional classes wing. After that, there's the lunch area, which will probably also feature our two cooking teachers, as well. Then we'll have the magic and weapons teachers, in the new section of the academy and then a few of our coaches, before finally having a group shot outside the quad."

"So, since we already have that first thing..." Rikku nodded. "Hey, where's my interviewer?!"

~ * ~

"Greetings, parents and guardians from all the worlds. You may be wondering, at this point: 'What high school should I send my young teenager to?' Well, concerned parent or guardian, you should look no further than Ikusa Mondiale Academy, previously known as the Independent Academy of Magistral Education."

The camera transitioned from the outside overview of the school, to Maqui standing outside the main doors of the main building.

"Hello. My name is Maqui Ehlian, and I'm an instructor here as well as an esteemed alumnus. Within this short video, I'm going to show you why IMA is the best choice for your child this autumn. First, let's pay a visit to the man that's in charge of everything here: our beloved Headmaster, Barret Wallace."

In the next scene, Maqui was standing inside Barret's office.

"Is there anything you'd like to say to everyone listening, Headmaster Wallace?" asked Maqui.

Barret cleared his throat. "Of course. Well, if-"

"Woah, woah, woah. Hold on a second, your head isn't in the picture," Rikku said, adjusting the camera. "Darn it, now Maqui isn't in the shot." Another adjustment. "Ugh. Maqui! Why do you have to be so short?!"

Maqui instantly looked enraged. "What did you just say?!"

"Just stand on the desk or something." Rikku sighed exasperatedly.

"I can't stand on the desk! How unprofessional do you want me to look?!" Maqui retorted sassily.

After a frantic discussion, Maqui managed to stay in the shot and Rikku gave the signal for Barret to continue.

"Right. So, if a student here ever has a problem, there's no reason why they can't come talk to me, or one of our wonderfully, talented, guidance counselors; four faculty members designated just for that-"

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