Chapter 5: Lunch

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"What is this business about an assembly during sixth period?" you asked, eating lunch with Vanille and Maceida. Just like old times. Kind of.

"There's some type of thing the headmaster has put together to bring in the new year. The new year's address, plus some kind of concert, I think..." Maceida shrugged, opting to stuff her mouth with some type of Asian noodles.

"You were always so ladylike, Maceida." You laughed.

She said something back to you, probably a sarcastic remark, but it was muffled by the food in her mouth.

"Exactly my point."

Maceida pushed you out of your chair.

"Ow! Geez. You got strong!" You rubbed your arm where she'd pushed you; it was now sore.

"She was never exactly weak before..." Vanille pointed out.

"It's my motherly strength," Maceida kind of boasted. "Have I done enough to teach you to stop talking shit?"

"Yeah, yeah..." You sat back in your seat. "Why aren't you guys pumped about this? A free concert? That sounds amazing!"

"I sincerely doubt the senior board can find anyone interesting to perform," replied Maceida. "And this is coming from the person that actually likes classical music."

"Maybe, but you never know. You may just find a new favorite artist!" You grinned.

Maceida stared at you with a straight face. "My expectations are low."

"Fine." You shrugged. "Vanille, didn't you say Logan works here too? What does he do?"

"He's a guidance counselor to the cute little freshies!" replied Vanille. "Oh, and he helps Arrigan with the band. I think guidance is the perfect job for him! You know he's so friendly."

"Yeah, I was gonna say that." You thought of all the freshmen you'd seen in your classes. You'd be sending them to him if they needed help. Arc would probably benefit from a talk with him. Maybe you'd mention it to him tomorrow, even.

While you were thinking, someone tapped you on your back. You spun around and saw the man himself, Logan standing there. You squealed and hugged him really tight. You then glomped him on the head and shouted "LOGANLOGANLOGAN! I've missed you so much! What have you been up to?! Well, other than impregnating Spencer-Lynn."

He laughed at you and patted you on your head. As he did so, you looked him up and down; his appearance hadn't changed too drastically. His hair had been chopped so that it was no longer covering his eyes. He'd also somehow got even taller! Or maybe that was just because you were sitting down...

"Well, that was the most enjoyable thing." Logan laughed again, sitting with you. "What else? Hmm... well, besides teaching here and creating my family, not very much, actually."

"That's surprising. You're possibly the most exciting person I met."

"Or, possibly just the most excitable," added Maceida.

You laughed, "I just realized you two are related now."

Maceida ruffled Logan's hair. "Yep, I added this little shit to my already extensive list of brothers. He's the coolest one though. It helps that he's helped make a playmate for Elysian."

"Where did you get that name, anyway?" you asked.

"I just thought it was pretty. You know, like my parents probably did when they named me Maceida; but, fortunately, Elysian is spelled the way it sounds, so she shouldn't have to go through all the trouble that I do." She stood up, "Which reminds me, I have to check on her. I'll step out and make a call; be right back, all right?"

When she left, you turned to Vanille and Logan. "Guys, can I ask you something? Vanille may know more than you, Logan."

"You can always ask us anything!" Vanille replied happily.

"I may still be hazy about a few things, but I know for a fact that, before my whole comatose state conundrum, Maceida was not dating Irvine; now they're married. What happened with her and Prompt?"

"That's a question you need to ask her," replied Vanille. "Even I don't know that! I just know that one day they weren't together anymore."

"You could chance asking Prompto, also," added Logan. "He's the instructor of Lucian history, so you could just drop by his classroom."

"Wait, so, he works here too?" You sharply sucked in your breath. "That's awkward..."

"I think they handle it pretty well, actually!" Vanille informed you.

"Looks like it's almost time to get ready for the opening address," Logan said, looking at the clock on the far wall, behind you. "Ladies, could I escort you to the auditorium?"

"I would be honored, Sir Logan," you said, in an English accent.

"Then, let's head there."

{a/n}: I apologize for the shortness of this thing, but I just wanted to give you guys something because I feel that this took long.

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