Chapter 11: Gathering Information

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The following Monday at school, your desk was littered with reference books as you tried to dig up any information on either the creepy building in question, or the land it sat on. So far, your search hadn't born any fruit. Before that building went up, it was like nothing has existed on that land for a long time- longer than you'd been born, for certain.

"Whatcha up to?"

You looked up, abruptly, to see Refia standing at your desk. All the rest of the second period students were waiting behind her.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, class. I had no idea it had gotten this late... I guess I was too into my research..." You cleared your throat and stood, pointing across the room to the magic practicing area. "Everyone, have a seat in the practice area. There are a few things I want to talk to you about."

They all eagerly sat on the floor of the practice room, and you pulled up a chair to sit on.

"This week, I'm going to briefly go over different manners of application of spells, something I ended up doing really early with my other class. There are some worlds that don't use the prevalent Fire-Fira-Firaga formula, and at the very least, you should probably be familiar with them. If you're gifted enough to get Lulu your last year here, she may even teach you high levels of those skills."

Luneth, Refia, and Ingus looked very intrigued at this news. Arc and Marlene were taking notes.

"Then, next week we'll work on trying to master second-tier spells so that we can move to third. Any questions?"

"I have one," Luneth raised his hand. "So, you know those special attacks that we use both a weapon and magic for? Do we learn those here or in our weapons class?"

"Hm." You hadn't thought about that. "Well, if I don't teach you, I'd have to leave it up to your weapons teacher, and I know some of them aren't too great at magic... I guess it wouldn't hurt to at least teach you all Galestrike, Flamestrike, Icestrike, and Thunderstrike. You know, basics."

"I also have some non-scholastic announcements for you all. Starting with, I'm going to be posting information in this room regarding part-time jobs. If any of you are already 15, you can go to your counselor's office and ask about getting a work permit. Unfortunately, you have to be at least 15, so for those of you under that, you'll have to wait.

"Also, I have an extra credit assignment for you all."

All five heads instantly perked up.

"There's another high school in the area, the really creepy-looking castle one that burned a few months ago. If you're able to write a few facts on the building itself, or something that was on that land before it, or even anything about how the school operates now, you can earn up to 50 extra credit points toward your grade this semester."

"That sounds easy enough!" Refia said confidently.

"Good." You smiled. "Now, let's go back to the desks. I have some study packets for you about the less prevalent magic skills, and we can go over them a bit for the rest of the period."

After the period ended, you put a supportive arm around Arc. "Walk with me?" you asked.

"Um... s-sure, I guess..." he said timidly. "Am I in trouble..?"

"No, no! You're a wonderful student, Arc. I just happen to think you'd benefit from a talk with your guidance counselor. You do remember that from our opening assembly, right?"

"Kind of." Maybe he was too busy paying attention to Ingus.

Stop shipping the students, you said to yourself.

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