Chapter 8: After School Navigators

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"So, [name], what are you doing after school?" asked Irvine. Before you could even think about it, he cut off your thought process. "Nothing? Oh, that's wonderful! Since we can't possibly have you being bored around here, why don't you stop on by to my place? ...That used to mean something totally different when I used to say it back in the day," he laughed.

"Yeah, I know," you said, rolling your eyes. "I'd love to come and see your daughter, Irvine! Oh, and Maceida, of course." Which reminded you, you still had to ask how in the world she'd ended up with Irvine...

"Awesome! That means I get to cook a nice lunch for both of y'all."

"Irvine, we ate lunch here," you reminded him.

"An hour to eat, and at noon? Come on, that can't really fill you up." He put an arm around you, and began to walk toward the exit with you. "How do you feel about biscuits and gravy?"

"As long as the biscuits are fluffy, and the gravy is thick, I have no room to complain."

Irvine led you to the parking lot, where he walked up to a white Mustang with red racing stripes, its hood down for the day. "Get in," he said.

"This car is dreamy, Irvine... although, it doesn't really look like something a dad would drive..." you pointed out.

"I know, and I'm planning on keeping it that way." He chuckled as he closed his door.

"Aw. Do you not like being a father?" You frowned.

"No, no, that's not it. I love my little girl. But, I'll put it this way. I will personally pay for any operation Maceida needs so you'll never see this-" he pointed to his face- "in a minivan."

You laughed as he began to pull off. "I personally don't think there's anything wrong with minivans."

Irvine stared at you in disbelief. "I'm gonna give you the benefit of the doubt here and blame that on the coma."

"I'm serious. The idea of a mother and father rounding up the crew, into the back of a minivan, always has been really cute to me," you confessed.

"You must be an only child then."

"Irvine, you're an only child too."

He gave you a sideways stare. "Look, you're a woman; I wouldn't expect you to understand."

"And what is that supposed to mean?" you asked, putting a hand on your hip.

Irvine just turned back to the front, and sighed. "I really oughta learn when to stop talking."

One thing you didn't like about Irvine's car was that there was no way to deter the oncoming wind, but it wasn't windy today, so at least it wasn't as bad as it could be. You'd actually never been in a drop-top car before. Wind rippling through your hair, you felt as if you were in one of those music videos.

There was a certain point in the trip where the green grass on the sidewalk faded to straw yellow, the pavement was scorched black, and in the middle of it all, a tall, castle-like building that was so black, you assumed it had burned. The smell of burned wood filled the air now that you'd stopped at a light, confirming your theory.

"What is that?" you asked, pointing to it.

"That building went up about four years ago," replied Irvine. "The end of last year was when it caught on fire, but they insist on continuing to have classes there."

"Wait- that happened almost three months ago and the smell is still that strong?" you asked.

"I never questioned it, thought another part burned." Irvine shrugged. "It's a high school. I don't like the kids there; one of 'em was bullying Mumford back when he used to live with me and Maci. Whole place just gives me bad vibes, you know?"

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