shooting star

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|i'm sorry, i know i write too much of love (often unrequited love) and stars but i write what goes through my head and this is the inside of it. i hope you like it a little bit anyway :)

this is another poem that still speaks of the starry sky, written in the night of san lorenzo 2021|

i can also see
a thousand shooting stars
but leave me alone
because no desire
is realised in summer.
i hate this forced happiness
i hate this lonely city
i hate this asphyxiating heat
i hate this rhythmic songs
i just want to cry
and i am not able to.

i want to fall
let me go, like the stars
shine for a microsecond
get lost.
leaving me behind a wish
in the heart of the beholder
i want to live for just a moment
remain immortal in the eyes
of those who observe the sky.

i want an august 10th
and then september
and then the void

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