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Odell's car wasn't in the driveway when I pulled into it so I expected him not to be in. It's safe to say I was surprised to find him fast asleep on the couch. My heart ached at the sight of him. He looks like he hasn't slept. I ran my fingers through my hair as I stared down at his tear stained face for a moment, beginning to question everything but I jumped as his beautiful eyes opened.

"Demi?" I stumbled backwards as he moved to stand.

"I-I just came to grab some stuff" I swallowed over the lump that formed in my throat.

"Demi..." I began from the living room without a backwards glance and headed towards the stairs. I blinked rapidly to try and stop my tears from welling up in my eyes. I grabbed a suitcase from the closet, dumping it down on the bed as Odell stepped into the master bedroom. A silence settled around us until Odell eventually spoke. "Demi, don't do this" I stopped myself from walking into the closet at his words. My heart broke in my chest as the tears I was trying to hold back, welled up in my eyes. "I didn't cheat on you. Demi, I never would" I nibbled on my lip as I kept my eyes down on the floor. "Demi, I love you" I clamped my eyes shut and began to slowly shake my head. "Baby, please" I jumped as his fingers lightly traced against my arm.

"Don't-Don't call me that" I kept my eyes down as I turned to face him, quickly wiping my cheeks.


"I want to believe you but-but I don't" even without looking directly at him, I could see his entire body crumble. I want to believe that it isn't true but I'm too heartbroken to think rationally right now. My head wants me to get out of here.

"It didn't happen. I-I can get Lia to..."

"Get Lia to what? Lie to me" he shook his head as he ran his hand over his head. "I don't believe you, Odell. There's a photo on Instagram that..." I shook my head as I wiped my tears away.

"She's removed it. I-I threatened to sue..."

"And that suddenly makes it better?" staring into his eyes made my heart break. "It doesn't change anything, Odell. That photo was still posted to Instagram. It was still there for everyone to see" his eyes dropped to his hands, it was then that I noticed the engagement ring. I've felt so naked since I took it off. "I-I have a room in a hotel that I'm going to stay at" his eyes closed as he kept his head down. "The boys are with Dallas. I'll drop them off tonight so that you can see them. They-They can stay with you for the night. We can then speak about custody arrangements" I headed back into the closet after a moment of silence and grabbed a pile of clothes. Odell just stood there as I packed, playing with my engagement ring. It was silent as I continued to pack, he watched as I grabbed stuff from the bathroom and the nursery. He only spoke as I dumped the suitcases by the front door.

"That's it then" my eyebrows scrunched together as I turned to face him. "You're giving up on me, on us, over something that didn't even happen" his entire face was now contorted in anger. "There's nothing I can do to make you stay?"

"No" I nibbled on my lip as I shook my head.

"It didn't happen, Demi. I didn't cheat on you" his voice raised slightly. "I'd believe you if it was the other way around."

"No you wouldn't, and anyway, it never would happen because I'd never sleep with anyone else. I love you, Odell, and no matter how much I'm trying to hate you, I still love you and that is never going to change but right now, I don't-I don't trust you" my voice raised as tears rolled down my cheeks.

"I never slept with her" I released a sigh as I stared into his eyes, his voice a sort of pathetic mumble. "I-I never..." he rolled his eyes as a teardrop rolled down his cheek. "Just go, Demi" my eyebrows scrunched together. "If you don't believe me and you don't trust me then leave. There's no point in me even trying to stop you because you've obviously already made up your mind. Make sure somebody else drops the boys off tonight because I don't want to see you" I suddenly felt like I'd been stabbed in the chest. "Leave, Demi" he turned and disappeared into the living room. I wanted to say something but I couldn't. I pulled my housekey from the back pocket of my jeans and dropped it into the bowl by the front door. I then grabbed as much as I could and with a heavy heart, I left the house. It wasn't until I slid into my car that I really allowed myself to cry.


"Hi, I brought wine" my lips twitched lightly at the corners as Matthew stood in the hallway. I nibbled on my lip as my chin quivered. Matthew gently pushed me backwards, closing the door with his foot as he locked his arms around me and I began to sob into his chest.

"He hates me" he shook his head as he pulled away, cupping my face in his hands.

"Why are you even worried about that? You're the person who should hate him?"

"But I don't, Matthew" he lightly wiped the tears from my cheeks. "You didn't see the way that he looked at me, Matthew. I want to believe him but-but I don't and..." I stopped myself and shook my head, dropping down onto the bed. I groaned as I locked my fingers into my hair. "We'd even picked a date for the wedding and now I'm going to have to cancel it all" Matthew took a seat beside me and gently ran his hand along my back.

"You don't need to worry about that, Demi" I leant into his side as tears continued to pour down my cheeks. "We can all help sort stuff out" he ran his fingers along my back.

"Do you think he did it?" he glanced away from me as my red eyes turned to him. "Matthew?" he released a breath as he slowly shook his head.

"In all honesty I don't believe he would but..." he suddenly stopped himself.

"But what?"

"But he did used to sleep around so..." he shrugged his shoulders as I sighed and glanced away. My eyes landed on the bottle of wine in Matthew's hand. I grabbed it and stood.

"You want a glass?"


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