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"Hi Baby" Kalen giggled as he ran straight into my arms. I nuzzled my face into his neck as I gave him a squeeze, my fingers running into his curls. "Did you have fun with daddy?" he nodded into my neck. His grip just tightened around me as I went to pull away. I lifted him onto my hip as I stood. I glanced up at Heather in the doorway and flashed her a light smile as she cradled a fast asleep Hunter in her arms. "How were they?"

"Odell said they were good. Apparently Kalen had a nightmare last night though."

"About what?" I lightly tightened my grip around Kalen, the fact that he refused to let me go now suddenly sort of made sense.

"He didn't know. He woke up to Kalen screaming last night, took him a while to calm him down. He kept screaming for you" my heart ached in my chest. Why didn't Odell ring me? I know that we aren't talking but he could have called. It's our son.

"K?" he pulled his head from my neck and I flashed him a light smile as I caressed the side of his face. "Did you have a bad dream last night?" he lifted his fist and rubbed his eye.

"Mommy gone" his gorgeous eyes burnt into mine, they looked so heartbroken.

"Mommy's here, Baby" he dropped his head onto my shoulder and began to play with the necklace around my neck. "You can come in" Heather lightly smiled as she stepped further into the room and went to lower Hunter down into his crib. He remained asleep as he rolled onto his side. I took a seat on the bed, adjusting Kalen onto my lap. "I know you want to say something" Heather sighed as she lowered herself down onto the bed beside me.

"I just wish you and Odell would sort all this out" I nuzzled myself into Kalen.

"We haven't seen or had any communication in over a week. I think we've passed sorting this out" she sighed as she combed her fingers through Kalen's curls.

"None of this is fair on these babies" my eyes turned to meet hers. "And yes, I have given Odell the exact same speech" I released a breath. "I know that you don't trust him but in all honesty, I don't believe he did it, Demi. I have never seen Odell so in love with someone and I don't think he'd ever try and ruin that" I nibbled on my lip as she continued. "He loves you, Demetria, and one of you needs to grow up and speak to the other because all this back and forth is enough" I glanced down at the floor as a lump formed in my throat. "Kalen and Hunter deserve parents who will talk to each other. They don't deserve this. If you don't want to get back with him, that's fine because that's your choice but before all of that, you're parents, Demi. These boys at least deserve their parents being able to talk to each other" I glanced over at her to see the seriousness on her face. She flashed me a brief smile before she spoke again. "I'm finished."

"Are..." I swallowed over the lump in my throat. "Are you still able to watch them tonight?" her lips twitched at the corners.

"Of course I am. What time do you want me here for?"


"I shall be here" I flashed her a light smile and then cuddled up to Kalen. Heather's words running around in my head like a broken record, maybe it is time one of us grew up.


"Demi" I lightly laughed at Lauren's squeal as she ran up to me, her arms locking tightly around my neck. "Odell's here" I nodded as she pulled away.

"I figured he would be."

"You look amazing though, Babe" I glanced down at myself, nibbling on my lip as my cheeks burnt. I ran my hands down my body, smoothing out the material of my dress. "Matthew and Jordan are over at the bar with Natalie. There's plenty of people, you should be able to avoid Odell" again, Heather's words ran through my mind. We should really grow up. I flashed her a smile and then headed towards Matthew, Jordan and Natalie when Lauren's attention was pulled to someone else stepping through the door. I was a drink in, sipping on my second, when a guy I'd never met before moved to stand beside me. He was attractive, had blonde hair, brown eyes and a smile that could stop traffic, he definitely didn't compare to Odell.

"Hi" I flashed him a light smile. "Jackson" he held his hand out.

"Demi" his smile seemed to widen, his eyes running along my body. Not very subtly. After I'd shook his hand, I went back to staring down at my drink. Please, leave me alone.

"H-How do you know Lauren?"

"She's a friend" I hoped he'd get the hint that I didn't want to talk to him as I glanced briefly behind me, hoping to catch the eyes of Matthew or Jordan.

"Demi..." my eyebrows creased at the way he spoke my name. "You're the girl that was engaged to Odell, aren't you?" I brought my lips into a thin line as I nodded. "If I had a girl like you, I totally wouldn't screw another woman" I rolled my eyes as I turned to him.

"Look..." a gasp slipped from my lips as his head was slammed down on the bar, Odell stood behind him, anger across his face. I was pulled away by Matthew who gave me a stare that said to stay out of it. Why do I always seem to get caught between two fighting men? "ODELL" he suddenly stopped, his eyes locking with mine. This was a guy that I suddenly didn't recognise. His eyes stared into mine with such a blank intensity. I shook my head as he rolled his eyes and turned to walk away. I glanced down at Jackson who was suddenly surrounded. "Are-Are you okay?" he winced as someone pressed an icepack to his swollen eye. "I'm so sorry" he shook his head as he wiped the blood from his split lip.

"That-That is the last time I..." he halted to catch his breath. "I hit on the ex of an MMA fi-fighter" I released a breath as I glanced in the direction that Odell disappeared able to feel anger bubbling away inside me.


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