3 - "Her name was-"

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As Yelena was staring down the iron sights of her gun, Clint got the feeling that he was being watched and a milli-second before she pulled the trigger he threw a silver throwing knife her direction and split the bullet in half, sending the two pieces away from his head. Yelena ducked just in time before the knife pierced her skull and watched it stick into the brick wall behind her.

"Look I know I'm a hard man to kill but you could at least try to play fair." Clint shouted sarcastically at her as he pulled a small black object from his jacket pocket. The TV remote size object expanded into a foldable bow and arrow.

He quickly aimed towards her heart and shot an arrow as she jumped off the fire escape onto the ground, ducking and rolling as she landed twenty feet away from him, her gun in hand.

"Well unfortunately that was my only arrow; can't really bring a quiver into a grocery store without raising any suspicions. It's better to win a fair fight, so if you could put the gun away." He raised his eyebrow and gave her a small smirk while gesturing towards her gun.

She gave him a blank stare before firing another round towards his head. He ducked immediately and felt the bullet ripple through the air above his head.

"OH COME ON!" He shouted as he threw a small flashbang towards her. She closed her eyes and stumbled back at the unexpected bright flash of light and loud noise. He took the opportunity to kick the gun out of her hands and pin her to the ground. One arm holding her shoulder down and the other across her chest so that she wouldn't be able to get up.

"Now that things are even, wanna tell me why you're trying to kill me?"

She glared at him before wrapping her legs around him and flipping him off of her and pushing herself into a fighting pose.

Clint landed on the ground a few feet away from her and looked up at her with an irritated look. "If you're gonna try to kill a guy, then the least you could do is tell him why."

Clint ran towards the bow he dropped as he was being flipped while she lunged towards him. He grabbed the bow and swung around at Yelena to aim a blow at her head, which she redirected flawlessly. They threw a series of punches and kicks towards each other, each blocking or redirecting the other smoothly. Clint used the curved side of his bow to push Yelena up against the wall, which gave her the opportunity to punch him across the side of his face and take the weapon from him, he stumbled back which gave her a chance to kick him in the chest. He was forced backwards and placed his hands on the ground to stabilize himself as he pulled out a tactical knife from his belt.

"Still not gonna talk, huh?" He ran towards her trying to slash her stomach which she dodged and sent another series of punches and kicks his way.

"Your murder spree included someone I loved." She said with anger as she caught his arm when he tried stabbing her again.

"No one I killed as Ronin was innocent." His voice was filled with anger and seriousness.

Furious after hearing his words she brought his arm up and swung his arm over his shoulder, straightening it against the bend of his elbow in an attempt to break it, but Clint counteracted just enough to stop her from snapping his elbow. He let out a grunt of pain as she straightened his arm then threw his knife to his other hand and tried slashing her across her face.

This time she used her wrist to stop his slash midway and wrapped her arm around his and twisted it to make him drop the knife into her hand. She caught the knife as it fell down and went to stab his head as he ducked out of the way. They circled each other and Yelena threw another stab aimed at this stomach, only this time he caught her wrist and twisted it so hard she dropped to her knees on the ground.

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