13 - What have I done?

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"How much you wanna bet she dies?" Agatha joked to Hela as they began combining their powers together with the addition of Wanda, Jean and Mordo.

"A soul." Hela smiled maniacally as she concentrated her magic into the spell.

"Sheesh. I was thinking fifty bucks or something."

They stood in the outdoor field of the Oscorp facility as they encircled the soul stone with their powers; Mordo guiding them through the ritual. Their powers intertwined with one another, forming a ball of purple, red, gold and purple energy around the soul stone as the other members of their team watched in amazement -their own version of amazement anyways.

Harry was grinning like the Joker and Magneto watched with all seriousness. Their energy source became bigger and harder to control as a small orange portal started opening up. Finally, they all mustered the last of their strength together and forced a bigger rift open. When they all retracted their powers they were left with an orange glowing portal. One by one aliens stepped out of the portal; Jean was faced with a grey alien creature with silver hair.

"Welcome back, children of Thanos." She grinned at them as thousands upon thousands of soldiers stepped out of the portals. "Wanda if you will..."

Wanda waved her hand at them, commanding her scarlet powers to take control of their minds. They all stood there still as statues, awaiting orders from the hand that now commanded them. Her eyes glowed red as she maintained her control over them. And Wanda waited for the hand that controls her.

"I did what you asked. Now keep your end of the bargain. Bring my kids back."

"Don't worry, I will. But first you have to prove your loyalty to me -help me destroy the Avengers. Control the army."

Wanda was shocked though she tried her best to hide it. All she ever wanted was to get her family back, she never intended to harm anyone. Least of all the Avengers. Whether she was willing to admit it or not, she did care for them and she never expected to have to go this far. But it was too late to turn back now, even if she did go back, the Avengers would never forgive her. The only hope she had in the world now was getting her sons back and hoping they would be enough.

---At the tower---

"Alright this is what we know so far..." Steve stood in front of a giant screen with all the villains' pictures and names in front of them; he faced his well rested team and informed them of what they were up against. T'Challa, Okoye and Shuri listened intently from the holographic projection they were using to attend the meeting. "First of all is Wanda Maximoff, she was an Avenger, though we don't know why she turned. Pretty dangerous telekinesis, telepathy and other things most of us don't even understand."

Thor stepped up to the front of the room and stood in front of the screen, pointing to the security camera feeds of his sister. "My sister, Hela. She commands a powerful army, has super strength, speed, agility, durability. Basically all the things you mortals don't."

Tony rolled his eyes at Thor's side comment as Peter stepped up to the front to introduce Harry.

"Okay, next we have Harry Osborn or as he calls himself —Green Goblin. He uh, used to be my friend before he went crazy after taking a weird formula his dad engineered. He tried to kill me a few times before because he thinks I killed his dad." The Spiderman said sadly as he thought about the state of his old friend. "He has super strength, speed, reflexes, endurance and can regenerate at a heightened speed. The Goblin Serum also enhanced his intelligence to that of a genius... at the price of his sanity." Peter stepped back to stand next to Tony as Strange came to the front.

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