6 - No choice

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---Few weeks ago, unknown location---

Wanda twists and pops her fingers in different directions to summon her scarlet magic, commanding it to perform a spell she had read in the Darkhold. She twists her wrists to control her magic as she feels every part of her body straining, the spell taking its toll on her. She let out heavy breaths while trying to maintain her control over her magic, but failing. A burst of red light forced her to shut her eyes as she grunted in obvious pain from her magic, her control slipping away from her.

"Come on Billy, Tommy." All the magic in her cabin ceded for half a second before there was a blast of red aura radiating in all directions, knocking her against the wall, as her magic formed at a single point in the middle of the room.

Her magic formed a flat oval of red aura. She stood up straight and carefully walked towards it, cautious as ever. She made sure her steps were light as an attempt not to aggravate the magic, as if it were a sentient being. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw the toe of a black boot step out of it, then followed by a full leg and arms and a body. A tall and slender woman with ginger and glowing orange eyes stepped out of the portal. Glowing orange veins stretched across the side of her cheeks. She appeared to be in her early twenties and was looking quite calm for someone that just appeared out of thin air.

She stood in front of the portal in the middle of the cabin, looking around at her new surroundings and taking everything in, before she heard Wanda's voice speak up.

Wanda furrowed her brows, "Who are you?" Her voice was filled with concern and confusion, a slight hint of her Sokovian accent coming through.

The mysterious woman smiled cynically. "The Dark Phoenix. Call me Jean... Jean Grey."

Wanda stared at confusion with her mouth opened agape. How did she bring a woman into her cabin out of thin air while she was trying to find a way to bring her sons back. 'Surely this isn't how the spell is supposed to work. I was supposed to bring Billy and Tommy back, not another random dead person. Dammit' She thought to herself.

"I wasn't dead. You pulled me from another universe." Jean looked at her with a smug look as Wanda let out a small gasp.

"How did you-"

"You're not the only one here with telepathy." She gave Wanda a cunning smirk and took a few steps toward Wanda, pointing to her temple. "I hear everything that goes on in there. And I can help you get what you want... for a price of course."

"Why should I trust you?"

"Because you don't have a choice, not if you want to see your sons again."

---Present day---

Wanda was in a big and open room with her back leaning against the cold metallic wall of the futuristic place. Her eyes looked straight ahead to the giant logo hanging on the wall in front of her; Oscorp. She had left her lonely cabin weeks ago and moved into this big compound, it was much like the Avengers Compound that she lived in back before the events of the Sokovia Accords, except that it lacked much of the warmth and life that she was used to there.

If she was being honest, she somewhat missed the Avengers Tower, she missed the way Natasha would make fun of everyone, Tony's snarky jokes, Steve's cluelessness about 21st century technology and even Sam's constant complaining about Steve making him wake up early to go running together... and Vision. She missed Vision. She had been trying to track him since she tore down the Hex around Westview and with no luck, it was like he just fell off the face of the earth and was nowhere to be found. Even though he was technically the same Vision, physically, that she fell in love with, she couldn't help but feel that maybe he was gone forever, that maybe when SWORD had rebuilt him they took away the thing that made Vision -Vision.

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