10 - Losing the fight

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Yelena worked out all her frustration on the punching bag she and Natasha kept in the spare room of what used to be their shared home. She punched it hard, again and again, huffing and grunting with every punch as she thought back to the events that had transpired mere hours ago.

She gave her knuckles a chance to rest up as she took a sip of water when she heard a strange beeping coming from her room. She walked out the gym and into her room to find the source of the noise, looking all around until she came upon her tactical vest laying on her perfectly made bed.

She unzipped one of the pockets and pulled out what looked like a small radio device; she had never seen the device before in her life and was sure it wasn't Natasha's. What the hell? Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion as she inspected the device, it went off again and this time displayed a message on the screen.

Threat at the compound. Losing badly. SOS.

Another message popped up, a set of coordinates this time. She stared at the device, pondering about when and how it got into her pocket; she thought hard for a minute before realizing that Steve must have slipped it into her pocket when he ran out after her after she had stormed out of the compound.

She chuckled dryly at the idea that someone without any spy training at all could slip something into her pocket without her realizing. "Impressive." She smirked slightly.

But why should I help them? They hurt you. She looked up, hoping that just maybe her sister could send her an answer.

"Screw this." She whispered harshly and threw the device onto her bed then began walking out the room before a familiar voice rang through her head.

"All that time that I spent posing, I was trying to actually do something good to make up for all the pain and suffering that we caused. Trying to be more than just a trained killer." Her sister's voice echoed through her thoughts, haunting her, reminding her of the conversation they had when they were on the hunt for Dreykov. When she explained to Yelena what she was trying to do as an Avenger.

"Dammit Natasha." She whispered and sighed as she walked back to the bed and picked up the radio.

---Present time---

"Took you long enough to get here, Baby Widow." Clint grunted from the floor as he and the rest of the team struggled to their feet.

"I'm surprised she even showed up." Tony joked to Clint before looking at Yelena. "See, Katniss here thought that if you knew we needed help then you'd show up, but I had my doubts after the whole fiasco at the tower..." He smirked at her before continuing his sentence. "...Guess you're Nat's sister after all."

Yelena gave them a small smile -so small that one could miss it if they didn't look for it-  and rolled her eyes at them as they all stood up and moved to her side.

They stood side by side, united, as they stared at their enemy, waiting for his move.

"Have to admit you took me by surprise... but you only get one free shot." Magneto raised his hands up and used his powers to rip the steel beams from the walls and used them to fight as the Avengers began running towards him for a second round.

They all fought together, Tony firing beams from his suit, Steve, Bucky and Yelena making swift attacks, Sam attacking from above, Clint firing his arrows from a distance and Peter doing his best to web Magneto up after using nanotech to build more web shooters.

Though attacking all at once made it so Magneto couldn't immediately wipe them out, he still had the advantage over them. He flung steel bars at them and used other pieces of metal as shields to protect himself from the incoming attacks.

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