19 - Final battle I

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"You know, I think we're a bit old to still be fighting." Natasha remarked to a stone-cold Yelena.

"Come on, not even a little smirk?" She asked, amused.

Yelena pulled her electric batons out and swung at Natasha –she dodged perfectly and caught Yelena's wrist while it thrusted the baton through the air.

"Guess we're not talking."

She yanked Yelena's arm forward, throwing her off her shoulder and causing her to drop the batons as she flew through the air. Yelena regained her balance and twisted her body so she could land in the signature Black Widow pose. Her cold eyes weren't empty this time, rather, they looked angry. Her glowing yellow eyes burned with hatred. It was bad enough that Jean took control of her, but now she was making Yelena hate Natasha. Natasha could feel the anger within herself rising, but she kept her cool.

"I always knew you liked my poses." She kept joking as Yelena continued to silently fight her.

Yelena grabbed Natasha's shoulder and flipped her over her waist and onto the ground, holding her there until Natasha wrapped her legs around Yelena's arms and flipped both of them over. They both scurried off the floor. Yelena got up first and sent a front kick to her sister right as Natasha got off the ground; Natasha crossed her arms in an "x" formation in front of her face to block the kick and slid across the floor a few feet, landing in the middle of two parallel steel shelves. That was definitely leaving a bruise later.

Yelena pulled a gun out of one of her thigh holsters and pointed it at Natasha. Natasha slowly raised her hands up; Yelena was still as stoic as ever.

"Come on now, that's just rude." Natasha huffed, gesturing towards the gun.

She studied Yelena very carefully; she was a master at reading body language and even an assassin as good as Yelena couldn't fool her. Natasha saw Yelena taking in a bigger breath than normal and knew immediately that she was about to pull the trigger. Natasha planted her fight foot on the second layer of the shelf and wall flipped off of it, through the empty space of the shelf behind her. The sound of the bullet ricocheting off the steel bars could be heard echoing through the entire maze of shelves.

Yelena lost sight of Natasha by the time she dove through the same opening Natasha flipped through. Yelena ran through the halls, looking and listening for any signs of her sister; she knew that Natasha was close but she didn't know where and the lights being off certainly didn't help. Natasha on the other hand, knew exactly where Yelena was, she was listening. She closed her eyes and focused on the tapping of Yelena's boots. She knew that in a matter of seconds Yelena would be on the other side of the shelf to her right, so she kept still as a statue and waited.

The millisecond that Yelena crossed the marker Natasha set in her mind, she jumped through the shelf and tackled her sister to the floor. Yelena lost her gun when she was tackled but immediately pulled out her second one before she was even fully off the ground. Natasha saw and kicked it out of her hands.

It landed in front of them and they both began scrambling to pick it up. Yelena got her hand on it but lost her grip again when Natasha swept her back foot off the ground and caused her to fall on her stomach. Natasha picked up the gun but Yelena was fast enough to ram her into one of the steel beams. The hard impact released Natasha's grip on the firearm. Yelena continued pushing her sister into the wall.

"Come on! Not even a word? You love making snarky remarks during a fight." Natasha said in a huffy voice, trying to push her off.

Yelena pulled her off the wall and pushed her onto the floor, not knowing that she was pushing Natasha into the direction of the gun on the floor. Natasha wanted to pick it up but knew that Yelena was about to kick the back of her head so she turned around to block it with her fist while on her knees. Natasha blocked the kick and punched Yelena in the gut. Yelena fell back slightly but regained her balance in time to block Natasha's second punch. With her fist still firmly in Yelena's hand Natasha headbutted the blonde and flipped her to the ground, but Yelena kept her grip on Natasha and brought her to the floor as well.

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