9 - Magneto

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the Avengers (or what's left of them) stand in front of the giant monitor mounted against the wall of the mission control room in the tower. They stared with their eyes wide open in horror as they watched Hela's Berserkers tear through the streets of Kyiv, Ukraine.

"What the hell are those things?" Sam gave Bucky a concerned look as he asked the group.

"Berserkers..." Thor looked at the screen with confusion as he answered Sam's question, informing the rest of the group as well.

"What the hell are Berserkers?" Tony asked Thor in a serious tone.

"They are-"

"You can explain to us later, right now we need to get over there to stop those things." Steve cut Thor off to address the entire group. "Everyone, suit up."

"I'm coming with you, Cap." Tony stepped up to Steve and told him, in a voice that told Steve that he wasn't asking.

"Um, Mr. Stark... I don't mean to interrupt, but you did tell Ms. Potts that you would just be helping us behind the scenes." Peter sheepishly tried to inform the two heroes.

"Not now kid, the adults are talking. Don't you have to call Aunt May and tell her you'll be late for dinner or something?" He shooed Peter away and tapped his Arc reactor to summon his Iron Man suit.

"Fine, but if Pepper murders you then I'm not helping." Steve warned, trying hard not to crack a smile.

"Aye-aye Captain."

Steve turned to Clint in the back of the room who was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed. "What about you? Are you coming with us?"

"Well seeing as I'm already here helping with the stolen Hydra weapons anyways, might as well. Sounds fun... just like old times." He looked at the ground and chuckled then smiled at Steve.

He nodded back and returned the smile, didn't have to say it out loud, but they knew that it wouldn't be the same without one of the original members of their team, and it was at times like this that they felt it the most.

They all scrambled to gather their things and put on their suits, but before any of them were clear of the room Friday's voice popped up on the speaker.

"Mr. Stark, it seems we have detected a break in at the Avengers Compound in New Jersey."

Tony's serious expression turned into a concerned one. "What? But that facility is one of the most secure ones we have. How many?"

"Seven, sir."

"Seven! And they managed to break through my top-level security system and the highly trained guards posted there?!" Tony looked at Steve with a flustered expression.

The rest of the team looked towards their leader for instructions on what to do.

"Okay, we'll split up, half of us to Ukraine and the other half to New Jersey. Bruce, Thor and Peter you three are going to handle things in Ukraine, I'll message Okoye and T'Challa and tell them to meet you there for back up."

Bruce, Thor and Peter nodded to their Captain then ran out the room to one of the quinjets parked in the landing zone.

Steve looked to what was left of his team and gave them their orders. "The rest of us are going to New Jersey."

They all quickly gathered their gear and headed out one of the other quinjets.

---New Jersey, One hour ago---

One by one Jean's team steps out of a portal conducted by Mordo, bringing them to the front of the Avengers Compound. The portal disappears into thin air once all of them have arrived at the Compound; they each start walking towards the entrance when they hear a voice shout out to them.

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