twd: if the world was ending

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a/n: a guys name is never said so you can imagine who ever you'd like due to the fact i didn't have one in mind while writing this!


The two of them stood in the middle of her living room once again screaming at the top of their lungs at each other, this was a weekly occurrence for them. The arguing finally died down and they set on her couch with their heads hung low.

"We need to break up y/n" He whispered not daring to look into her y/e/c eyes. All she could do was nod her head as silence fell over them again.

"Can I ask you something?" He nodded. "If the world was ending you'd come over right? I know we weren't meant for each other and its fine. But if the world was ending you'd come over right? You'd come over and you'd stay the night."

"If the world was ending Id come over and stay the night. The sky would be falling and id hold you tight. id come over and love you for the hell of it" He answered grabbing her small hands in his.

"You promise?"

"I promise"

It had been a year since the apocalypse started. Since everyone Y/n loved had died, her parents, her pets, her friends... everyone. She didn't know if he made it out alive but she was pretty sure he didn't. Because if he was alive then he would have came over right? He said if the world was ending he'd come over and spend the night, he didn't.

She had been on her own since the beginning. She had come across a few people, none nice enough to team up with. And she had come across more walkers and killed more walkers than she could count.

Y/n was currently on the road outside of what seemed to be a farm, she could tell it hadn't been abandoned. Which she was thankful for, she had missed human interaction, she prayed that these people were a lot nicer than the last.

She jumped the white picket fence that blocked the farm and its land from the walkers and intruders such as herself. She grabbed the pistol that was tucked into her waistband, it was the only one she had ever had. It had been a gift from him.

"Who are you?" A girl with short brown hair demanded pointing a shovel at her.

"My name is Y/n. Please don't hurt me, id hate to have to shoot you. Whats your name?" She told the girl showing her hand that was grasped tightly around the gun.

"What do you want? Why are you-" The girl began to question when she was interrupted by an older man coming towards the two girls.

"Maggie what's going on over here? Nevermind, you two come inside its becoming nighttime. I dont want you out her passed dark. We will speak with her inside" The girl, Y/n now knew as Maggie nodded her head ushering Y/n to walk in front of her.

"I didn't mean to intrude. I was just looking for a place to stay for the night. I really dont mean any harm" Y/n spoke looking up at the old man.

"One night, then you gotta go. We just got a new group settled in here permantly can't allow anyone else." He explained to her. "Wheres your group? You loose them?"

"Never had a group. Ive been on my own since this all started. Everyone I had died in the beginning"

"Im sorry to hear that, I couldn't imagine being on my own and losing everyone" Maggie told her opening the front door to her, Y/n nodding a thank you.

Y/n followed the two through the house as Hershel, she found out his name was explained that the group that had taken in was eating dinner and she was welcome to join them since shed only be here for the night. She thanked him before heading to the kitchen where she saw the group gathered.

"Y/n?" She heard someone call her name making her freeze in her tracks, she knew that voice. Even after 365 days she could never forger the way it sounded.

She turned around her y/e/c eyes connecting with his automatically. She said his name, it felt foreign on her tongue but god she loved being able to say it again, being able to say it to him again.

He wrapped his arms around her waist slamming her against his body holding her tightly to him. He ran his fingers through her hair whispering into her ear how much he had missed her.

They were on top of the RV looking over the field, hands intertwined in a comfortable silence when Y/n finally decided to break the silence.

"Why'd you lie?" He hummed in response not understanding what she meant. "You said If the world was ending you'd come over and you'd stay the night. You never came. I stayed in the house for three days after hell broke loose waiting for you" She told him, tears building up in her eyes.

"I was distracted and in the traffic. I had no idea it had happened. You were too far. I called and got no answer, I figured you were already gone. Then it got me thinking were you out drinking? Were you in the living room watching television? It had been a year now, think I figured out how to think about you with ripping my heart out"

"You know I tried to imagine your reaction, it didn't scare me when the outbreak happened. Then when you never came, it really got me thinking. Remember that night we went drinking? We stumbled in my house and couldn't make it past the kitchen? Cant believe that's been a year now..." Y/n trailed of playing with the dainty promise ring on her finger he had given her all those years ago.

"I know we said we weren't down for forever and that was fine. And I know you said we weren't meant for each other, but that was another life, another world. And that world had ended so give it another try?"

"The world has ended so Im gonna love you for the hell of it. Now we dont even have to say goodbye" She finally looked up from her hands, giving him a soft smile.

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