jack dawson ( titanic ) : perfect

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A/n: italics are lyrics from Perfect by Selena Gomez.


He thinks I don't know, but how could I not. I see it, I see them. Everyone does, including her own damn fiancé.

We came here to the Titanic together, we won those tickets together and we were headed to America for a new life together, of so I thought. He saw her the first day we boarded, he was staring at her on the upper level although hell never admit that.

She seems fun. I'll see her running down the halls with Jack, their laughter feeling the hallway. You can practically feel the infatuation radiating off of them. That use to be us, until he found someone more fun. Now I can't run down the halls laughing or touch him the way she does even though he's still mine. I think that's why he loves her, she seems perfect.

"Jack you're finally back" I smiled at him before he gave me a kiss putting down his coat.

I can taste her lipstick, its like I'm kissing her too.

"Yeah Y/n I was out exploring the ship" He explained sitting on the bed.

Different inflection when you say my name
Kiss me, but your kiss don't taste the same
Is it real or am I going out of my mind?

"For the third day in a row?" I questioned wrapping my robe closer to me. "Well where was my invite? I haven't got to see anything except the inside of this room" I half laughed.

"Oh yeah, sorry. Just wouldn't want you to get sea sick or anything darling." I laid down on the bed next to him, laying on his chest before he pressed a kiss to my lips.

I can taste her lipstick and see her laying across your chest.

I laid in silence all night listening to him. He was speaking about her in his sleep, Im sure Ive started talking about her in mine I hear it so much.

I could smell the perfume on his shirt and by the smell of her perfume i could love her too . The kiss mark on his neck... I can almost hear her laugh curving on her back.

The next morning he got up, got dressed and was ready to leave again with her Im sure.

"Jack" I grabbed his arm stopping him from walking out the door. "Maybe I should be more like her"I laughed shaking my head.

"Huh?" He closed the door looking at me realising he had been caught.

"Oh I bet she has it all. And she's beautiful, like you" I rubbed my thumb across his cheek. "And I bet shes got that touch makes you fall in love, like you"

"How do you know about Rose?" Jack asked me staring into my eyes as they teared up.

"see her laying across your chest. I can feel the distance every time you remember her fingertips. I mean I can taste her lipstick, it's like I'm kissing her, too. She perfect"  I shrugged my shoulders dropping my head.

"Isn't she Jack?" He didn't answer me. "How does she touch you?" I ran my finger tips down his arm making him shiver. "Can I try it too?"

He grabbed my wrist pushing it away, "Y/n what are you doing?Just break up with me. Stop playing this game"

"Maybe I could be more like her..."

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