jasper jordan: when the truth comes out

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"This pie is literally to die for" Jasper basically moaned as he took a bite out of the blueberry pie in front of him. "You have to try this" He held his fork out to his girlfriend Y/n letting her try a piece.

"Oh my- that is so good"

"Hows the cake?" Jasper asked eyeing the chocolate cake on her plate.

"Eh your pie is way better" Y/n said shrugging her shoulders with a sly smile on her face.

"Oh really?" He asked her amused making her nod with a sheepish smile. "Y/n we've been together for over a year, you don't think I know when you're lying?"

"Im not lying!" Y/n squealed as Jasper stood up challenging her. Both of them laughing too loudly making everyone stare at them when Monty came to take a sit with them.

"Children, children calm down" Monty laughed making them take a seat, slouched in their chairs laughing.

"Im going to get a slice of chocolate cake since my girlfriend is too stingy to share" Jasper said making Y/n shoot him a dirty looking jokingly before he was soon off on his way to the desert table.

Jasper walked to the table to realise there was no cake left making him huff and walk away sad like a small child.

"You can take mine" A girl had offered him her slice of cake sliding it towards him. He happily took it, sitting across from her at the table.

"Oh my- she was right. This is way better than the pie" Jasper sighed making the girl laugh, him become aware of her existence. "Oh I'm Jasper by the way"


"Whats taking him so long?" Monty asked Y/n looking around to see him sitting at the table with Maya.

"What is he doing? And who is that girl?" Y/n asked a certain tone of disappointment and worry promeint in her voice.

"No idea"


"Hey Monty do you know where Jasper is? Ive been looking for him all morning, he wasn't at breakfast" Y/n asked slightly worried as she walked into the shared dorm room.

"I haven't seen him since last night now that you mention it. But he was talking about some art warehouse thing on level five maybe go check there?" Monty offered a solution which Y/n thanked him before heading to level three.

Y/n looked around the hallway before slipping through the door that was cracked open. She gazed at the walls and shelves littered with old works of art. They were beautiful, she picked up a painting of two people sitting on a cliff over a lake when she heard someone laughing. Y/n walked around the shelves to see Jasper and Maya talking together.

"This is my favourite painting, its beautiful" Maya held it up for him to see.

"It is beautiful" Jasper responded but noticed he wasn't looking at the painting.


"Can you believe that Monty?" Y/n recaped everything that happened in the art room.

"Maybe she was just giving him a tour of the place?" Monty offered an explanation to help his obviously upset friend.

"You didn't see the way they looked at each other. They were giggling and smiling having a great time. Thats the happiest I've seen him since we've landed on earth. He has a crush on her M."

"He's in love with Y/n/n and has been for the past year. Shes just a new friend. I know Jasper, so do you. And you're crazy to think he'd ever leave you. Talk to him about it" Monty gave her a sad smile before getting up to leave.


Y/n laid there with her head on his chest listening to his heartbeat. It was the most peace she had felt in a long time, probably since they landed on earth. It was just the two of them laying in his bed enjoying each others company.

"Do you love me?" Y/n asked him looking up to stare into his brown eyes.

"Of course I love you Y/n" Jasper smiled at her pressing a kiss to her forhead.

To her that answer meant everything it made her heart beat a mile a minute, her face blush bright red and her cheeks hurt from smiling so hard.

But to him it made him sick having to lie to her like that.


"Uno! and boom I win" Harper cheered throwing her last card down on the stack.

"Again?! You cheat" Y/n complained, laughing while throwing her stack of cards at Harper jokingly.

"Oh dont be a sore-" Monty began speaking when he was cut of by Mayas screaming.

Her skin was bubbling up quickly and turning bright red. She was screaming that there was a breach in the dorm. She was going to die of radiation. A part of Y/n wished it would happened and she hated that part of her, she just wanted her boyfriend back.

"Help! Help!" Jasper was screaming holding her body close to his making Y/n want to throw up. She wasn't sure if it was from seeing her boyfriend holding another girl close to his skin or from her face looking like it was melting off from acid.


Y/n was sitting down in a cold, white chair next to Monty and Jasper while Maya laid in a hospital bed near them.

"Is she gonna be okay?" Jasper asked pushing a strand of hair out of her face.

"I dont know." The doctor spoke before looking away pondering. "There is one thing we could do to save her. But we've never tried it before" Jasper asked her what is was. She explained the procedure of filtering his blood into her body, also explaining how dangerous it was. "It could kill you"

"Ill do it"

"Jasper. Consider it. She said it was dangerous, this could kill you. I dont think you should risk it" Monty tried talking him out of it. Jasper just ignored him.

"He's right Jas. You can't actually be considering doing this for a girl you barely know are you? Its going to kill you. I can't lose you, dont do this. Think about me. Jasper plea-" Y/n begged him, the verge of crying when he cut her off.

"I LOVE HER Y/N I CANT JUST HER DIE" Jasper yelled at her before realising what he admitted to. Admited to his girlfriend of over a year. "Y/n..."

A/N: might be a part two?? thinking about doing one about Mayas death and after it. lmk what y'all think!

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