twd: she saved me

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"I don't why she did it, I have no idea how or why Im still alive but I am and its all thanks to her" Enid explained to the group before her, looking at her hands unable to make eye contact with anyone especially him.

"I could tell you the story of how devastating and heartbreaking it was to watch some of the most amazing people I have ever met come to their end or I could tell you a story about how strong and courageous those same people were..."

"When Ozzy, Alec and DJ found us they ran in attacking the walkers coming towards us. They gave us an opening and we were not going to waste that. We stood up and began fighting back, everyone did. We began to fight not only for our own lives but for everyone else too. Me, Henry, Tara... Y/n we fought like hell. Like we were a family till the very end."

Enid shook her head before wiping her tears and continuing her story.

"During the chaos the whispers had come in to the barn and starting grabbing people dragging them out before they could run away. One of them had grabbed me pulling me back but was yanked off of me by Y/n. She had pulled them down to the ground shoving me towards the door. I turned around... Tara was gone, Henry was gone. I made eye contact with Y/n for a split second before she screamed at me to run. She told me I'd be the dumbest person alive if I tried to stay and save her. I wasnt going to leave her. I looked away for two seconds and I looked back to see her being torn away from me so I ran, I ran all the way back here." Maggie stood up wrapping an arm around Enid has her body started to shake with sobs.

It had been three weeks since the whispers incident happened. The group was on the move to a new safe haven yet again. They had been walking through the woods for what seemed like days when they finally came across an open field.

"The fuck is that?" Daryl commented walking towards the row of spikes sticking out of the ground when he saw it.

It wasnt just spikes, there was heads on them... zombified heads of their people.

Daryl heard the gasp and whimpers of many including Michonne and Carol as he hurried he's way towards Carl near the back of the group.

"Daryl what's going on? What are-"

"Dont look at them, look at me. Just look at me"

Carl shoved him off running towards the spikes only for his eyes to connect with the ones that belong zombified version of his life long best friend, Y/n.

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