carl grimes ( twd ) : cost my life

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Negan walked around Alexandria with Lucille hung over his right shoulder as he bossed his men around getting them to grab anything and everything he wanted. When he saw her, the most beautiful he had ever seen.

"Rick" Negan hollered out to the man making him turn around with a sour look on his face. "Who's that pretty little thing over there?" He pointed to her.

"Thats Y/n she's-" Before Rick could even finish his sentence Negan was headed off in another direction.


The group was on their knees in a row as Negan walked in front swinging Lucille as a threat. He had already killed Abraham which had hurt everyone because even if he was a little rough around the edges at times, he was still a great man and apart of their family.

"What about you little Grimes?" Negan walked towards Carl pushing him over making him hit the ground while he laughed at him. "What happened to your eye?" He asked reaching for the bandaging covering it. When Carl pulled away making Negan hit him.

"Leave him the fuck alone" Y/n said struggling against the restraints which only made Negan laugh.

"And if I dont?"

"Ill fucking kill you" He walked towards her placing his hand on her face rubbing her cheek with his thumb giving her a soft smile.

"Doesn't look like you're in the position to be making those kind of threats little lady" He traced his finger down her arm before pulling on her restraints. "So looks like I can do whatever the fuck I want and you wont do shit"

With saying that he walked in front of Glenn smiling down at him before lifting up Lucille to hit him in the head. The bat came crashing into his shoulder since he missed. Y/n could hear Maggies screams, she was sure even people across the world could hear them.

"Want me to stop?" Negan asked Y/n who just turned away with tears in her eyes. "Stand up. Join me be one of my wives" He helped her off the ground smiling at her.

"Y/n dont, please" Carl yelled out begging her. She shook him off.


"Good girl" He untied her restraints and rubbed her face with his thumb once more. "Prove it" He handed her Lucille and motioned towards Glenn. He wanted her to kill him.

Y/n looked from Glenn to Lucille before she grabbed the bat. Maggie screamed at the action as everyone looked at her with tears in their eyes. Negan stood next to Glenn cheering her on saying things like "Atta girl" "I knew I liked you for a reason"

She raised the bat as high as she could before Lucille slammed down on the top of his skull making his limp body hit the ground before she hit him again and again until it was borderline over kill.

She reached down and grabbed his shoulder helping him up then untying the restraints before he ran off to Maggie while she went off to Carl.

"I knew you wouldn't do" Carl said looking at her endearingly.

"I would never hurt any of you, even if it cost me my life"

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