bellamy blake: see you later

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Y/n was sitting in her room twirling her pencil around her fingers staring at the biology book in front of her when her boyfriend Bellamy walked into her room.

"Hey Bell, what are you doing here? Thought you had guard duty this morning?" Y/n stood up shutting her book walking towards him to wrap her arms around his waist.

"I did. I mean I do. I- Y/n we have to talk" Bellamy stubbled over his words before grabbing her hands taking a seat on the bed.

"Whats going on? You're not breaking up with me are you?"

"No of course not. But I am leaving you."

"I- what? I dont understand" Y/n shook her head not understanding what he could mean.

"Just listen y/n/n. They are sending 100 prisoners to the ground, Octavia included. Its a suicide mission but if its not then they will be on the ground alone. Octavia will be dying. I know you're gonna hate me. But I have to go. I have-"

"Bellamy" Y/n silenced his rambling. "I understand. You need to be with O. Id do the same thing." She sighed before grabbing his hands in hers like he did hers prior. "I just hate to say goodbye"

"This isn't goodbye"

"Bellamy you said it yourself this is a suicide mission. You're gonna die. Ill never see you again. I- I dont" Y/ns eyes started watering at the thought of losing him.

"This isn't goodbye Y/n. This is just a see you later. We will meet again"

"May we meet again. Ill see you later Bell" Y/n squeezed his hand before kissing him on the cheek.


"Did you see that?!" Jasper pointed to the sky as a burst of light shot across it.

"Is it from the ark?" Finn asked watching it hurtled towards the ground.

"That is the ark" Clarke sighed happily.

"You're gonna see your mom soon Clarke" Finn smiled at her.

"You waiting for anyone on the ark?" Clarke looked up at Bellamy waiting for an answer. "Any family besides Octavia?"

"No family. The closest thing to it is Y/n." Clarke asked him who that was. "Y/n? My girlfriend well was soon to be fiancé but I left before I had the chance to ask. We've been together since we were 16" Bellamy had explained to her watching it come closer to the ground. Watching her come closer to him.


"Is everyone okay?" Abby yelled standing up cracking her back and stretching from the landing.

"Yeah I think everyones fine. We are alive Abby, we did it" Y/n smiled before climbing up the ladder and opening the hatch.

"Its beautiful, so green and bright" Abby spoke in awe admiring the view around her.

"I see the ship! Abby I see them. We are gonna see them soon. Lets go. Lets go find your daughter and Bellamy" Y/n jumped from the top of the ship all the hope she had lost flooding back into her bones with excitement.


Y/n ran through the forest watching all the colours fly past her much to Kanes dismay. He told her to stay with the group, they had no idea what was in those woods. But she did, she knew Bellamy was in those woods and that's all that mattered to her.

"Theres movement on the outside wall!" She heard a voice yell as she ran past the foxholes to the big gate in front of her.

"Dont shoot. Its probably people from the ark. Open up the gate"

The gate slid open revealing people a few years younger than herself standing before her.

"Mom?" A young girl yelled running past y/n crashing into Abbys arms.

Y/n smiled at the sight behind her before a voice called her out of her day dream.

"Y/n?" She turned to come face to face with Bellamy before running and crashing her body into his.

"Bellamy" Y/n sighed happily before gripping the hair on the back of his neck with finger pulling his body closer to her scared to let go.

"I told you id see you later" Bellamy told her ducking his head into her neck before kissing in.

Y/n chuckled before pulling back to look at him. "Yeah 21 days later, way to long for my liking. Dont you dare leave me again"

"Wouldn't dream of it princess"

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