finn collins: rip to the old you

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It had been five days since Y/n was taken from the dropship and brought to mount weather. Yesterday she finally returned home expecting to crash into the arms of her boyfriend Finn who was probably busy trying to find a way to get them back without starting a war. Being the peace maker he always was, she admired that about him.

But it was known to her that would not be the case when she crashed into bellamy arms instead and was informed he was headed to a camp with Murphy that was said to hold the 47.

Y/n walked through the forest with Bellamy, Clarke and Octavia right behind her. She was close to the camp when she heard gun shots firing making her freeze in her place. She shared a worried look with Clarke before bolting through the forest towards the villages walls.

She stood in the entrance of the village not being able to move staring at the sight in front of her when Clarke and the rest caught up standing right next to her watching as Finn massacred the innocent village.

Finn stopped once his eyes caught a glimpse of Y/n making him drop the gun and walk towards her. She flinched back when he placed his hand on her arm staring at her. He didn't pay attention to it, to excited to find her. alive.

"What have you done Finn?"

"I found you."


"Finn maybe you just stay here" Y/n explained to him after he wanted to go with the gaurds to find Octavia and Bellamy.

"Why so you can keep an eye on me?" Finn yelled making the girl flinch back at the volume of his voice. "You'd have to be able to look at me to do that" He threw the gun down before storming off through the woods.

"Ill go after him" Y/n reassured Clarke making her nod.

"Finn come back" He turned around to look at her with tears in his eyes. "Please"

"You hate me. Don't you? You can't even look at me and this is the most you've talked to me since... since the village"

"Finn listen-" Y/n began to explain before a loud horn cut off her sentence. "Acid fog"

Finn grab her hand telling to run to the bunker before the ran off in that direction trying to escape the acid fog.

When they got to the bunker Y/n saw a grounders dead body laying on the floor, blood seeping from his mouth and the bullet wound in his head. Finn saw where she was looking and was quick to cover it up.

They set there in silence for a few moments before Y/n decided the silence was too suffocating and there was things that were need to be said.

"I miss the old you. This new dude, this new you. I don't even know him and not sure I want to"

"Y/n... Im still the same guy. The one who's crazy about you and has been since the first time we met three years ago. I told you id do anything for you, anything to protect you. You can't hate me for keeping my promise" Finn explained to her with tears in his eyes.

"Do you remember the first time we were here? It was a few weeks ago. Like the second day on earth, the same day I came down with Raven. When I came down here for you"

The day had been long. Everyone was busy building the wall, making tents, or looking for food which is what Y/n and Finn were doing when they came across this bunker in the ground.

"Can you believe it? You're here! We're here! We are on earth Y/n, not only that but were together." Finn exclaimed falling onto the makeshift bed on the floor.

"Im really happy about. Nobody id rather be here with. Well maybe not here, not this hole in the ground"  Y/n gestured to the bunker giggling which made Finn chuckle. "But Earth, its so beautiful" She sighed taking a seat on the bed next to Finn.

"You're so beautiful" He pushed a strand of hair behind her ears making her blush. He placed a hand on her check before pulling her down to him connecting their lips in a passionate kiss which soon turned into more.


Finn turned around seeing Y/n pull up her pants when he said, "Happy two years by the way"

Y/n turned around her eyes lit with excitement and a child like smile on her face. "Oh my- Finn that's today!" She squealed. "I didn't get you anything" she sighed sadly.

"Its okay princess. You came back to me, that's the best present I could ask for"

"I was waiting for the right moment to give this back to you but Im starting to think that moment will never come" Finn reached into his jacket pocket before pulling out a small diamond ring with and F engraved into the inside.

"My promise ring. How'd you get this? I thought I had lost it for good" Y/n started at the ring in the palm of her hand.

"He was wearing it around his neck on a chain. I figured you wouldn't give it up without a fight" He gestured to the dead grounder behind him. " I did it for you Y/n and honestly if it meant you coming back to me safe then Id do it all again. I love you, dont fault me for that" He stepped forward grabbing her hand.

"Im not faulting you for loving me Finn. Im faulting you for killing 18 innocent people. Elders and children they weren't even warriors"

"I did what I had to!" Finn yelled making her jump once again. "Im sorry just please put the ring back on, please i love you"

"Now everything is too complicated. You can try but there's no way to save it." Y/n turned around not wanting to look at him anymore. Looking out the window to see if the fog had cleared, which it had.

"I wish that we could just restart. but we can't and this new you... I wish I still knew the old you. Its like you're dead to me now" Y/n dropped the ring letting it clank to the ground as she opened the hatch and climbed out the bunker.


"I fucking miss you" Y/n cried laying her head on his chest of his now dead body after she killed him.

Y/n ran over to him as Clarke spoke to Lexa slamming her lips into his.

"I dont blame you for what you did. I would have done it for you in a heartbeat. I love you so much Finn"

"I love you too Y/n, always"

Y/n leaned into him as he laid her head on her shoulder kissing it once. "Im sorry" She sobbed pressing a kiss to his check.

"You're gonna be okay. Youre okay. Everything okay. Im so sorry"

"Thanks princess"

Y/n backed away as he shirt soaked with blood and as his head fell. She noticed something shinning around his neck. It was her ring, on a piece of string. She unraveled it from his neck placing it on her finger before being pulled away from his body.

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