The titans curse

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Zoe and her quest mates were trekking through Mount Tam where her father Atlas was imprisoned. Her companions included her second in command Phoebe, a daughter of Zeus Thalia, and much to her dismay a son of Poseidon named Theseus.
She remembered the prophecy that they received

Five shall go west to the goddess in chains
One shall be lost in the land without rain
The bane of Olympus shows the trail
Campers and Hunters combined prevail
The lost hero, from shadows, shall resurrect
To bring solace to the moon goddess 

Most of the prophecy was already completed and they lost Bianca, a daughter of Hades in the Cursed junkyard of Hephaestus.
She was not sure who the lost hero was, but she knew to try her hardest to rescue her lady.


When she reached the top of the mountain she was presented with a terrifying sight. There stood her Father  Atlas flanked by fifty-something monsters. The monsters were not much of a problem for her or her companions, but the titan was. Atlas is the titan of strength and endurance. One of the most powerful titans. Then her eyes drifted to their left where Artemis was chained to the ground and was forced to hold up the sky.  The daughter of Athena who was kidnapped by the manticore was lying on the ground beside the goddess. The traitor son of Hermes was guarding them with his sword drawn.

Zoe's blood boiled at this sight.
"My lady" she screamed and started to run towards Artemis.
"Zoe stop. It is a trap " Artemis warned as she caught sight of her lieutenant. Though Zoe knew it was a trap, her concern for her patron outweighed any sense of caution. She sprinted towards Artemis. 

That's when the sound of laughter boomed across the area. Zoe turned her head to see her father laughing. "Welcome home daughter", he said. "It is a long time since you have graced me with your presence ". He said malevolently.

 "Your father is Atlas," Thalia asked incredulously, but Phoebe countered it. " Does it matter?, She has been serving lady Artemis for over three thousand years. You have no right to question her loyalty" she said. " I was just asking" was the reply from Thalia.

"What do we have here?" Atlas jeered, his eyes scrutinizing the four heroes standing defiantly before him. "Two hunters and two demigods. A daughter of Zeus and a son of Poseidon, to be precise," he declared with a mocking tone.

"Oh, look at this, Artemis," he continued, his voice dripping with sarcasm, "another son of Poseidon willing to sacrifice his life for you. After all, you are alive today because of a son of Poseidon isn't it?"

Confusion was etched across Theseus's face. "What do you mean?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

Atlas's laughter echoed across the mountain. "Oh, you don't know?" he sneered. "Artemis, they don't know about your lover. Or should I say, lost lover?" His words dripped with mockery. " After all, It was us Titans who forced him to fade."

Artemis's lip curled in disdain. "Shut it, you titan scum," she spat, her voice sharp with anger.

But Atlas paid her no heed, his laughter ringing loud. "What does he mean, my lady?" Phoebe's voice trembled with uncertainty as she turned to Artemis for answers.

Before Artemis could respond, Atlas seized the opportunity to mock further. "Well, Artemis, allow me the privilege of explaining to them about your lost lover," he sneered. "His name was Perseus, son of Poseidon and Aphrodite. A powerful god and a capable warrior. It took four Titans to subdue that bastard completely and force him to fade, right before her eyes. Unfortunately, I was not part of that group as I was trapped under the sky, or else I could have taken him out single-handedly." the titan boasted, his tone filled with arrogance.

The questers turned their gaze to Artemis, witnessing her struggle under the weight of the sky, a solitary tear tracing its path down her cheek. "Wow, now I've seen it all," the titan mocked, relishing every moment of tarnishing the reputation of the goddess Artemis. His words were laced with venom, his satisfaction evident in his taunts.

 All the demigods except Zoe had a look of disbelief in their eyes as they looked toward Artemis. "My lady, is he telling the truth?"  Phoebe asked, but they didn't need an answer as it was written on the face of the sobbing goddess. "Well Artemis, it is a shame your consort is not here to save you this time" The titan continued.

He then proceeded to walk towards the questers pointing his javelin towards them and posing menacingly, but before he could utter another word a sudden change in the atmosphere caught his attention. It was as if the night itself was changing.
" That is where you are the wrong Atlas", a male voice echoed through the night sky.
This is my first story. Please try to support.
All the characters and plot belong to Rick Riordan. Please ignore the grammatical errors.😅😅

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