Traitor Revealed

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Perseus Pov

It has been a  couple of weeks since I reached the camp and a lot has happened in this short period. First of all, I learn that what the daughter of Ares said about the Aphrodite kids was true. Out of the seventeen siblings I have, only four were decent with a weapon. The rest, well they can't even wield a knife properly to save their life and when I asked about this, they replied that Aphrodite was a peaceful goddess and we children of the love goddess should spread love instead of practicing violence, which only helped to piss me off. Secondly, the wine god was nothing but a liability to this camp. He hardly raises a finger to help these demigods. For Hades' sake, who in their right mind would make the god of wine, Alcohol, and Ecstasy, look after their children. Oh wait, Zeus would. You can't blame the wine dude. He is the god of wine and he is not allowed to drink. It will make anyone grouchy. Finally, Theo and Annabeth found an entrance to the Labyrinth which I don't know much about, and they will be given a quest today to find some crazy old inventor named Dedalus.

I have been sitting reading some boring magazine about recent fashion trends when one of my siblings named Mathew called me. "Perseus, Annabeth needs to talk to you". He said to me." Yah, sure" I replied and walked out of my cabin, only to see the daughter of Athena waiting for me while tapping her foot impatiently." What do you want to talk to me about Annabeth?" I asked her. "Percy, today I will receive the prophecy to traverse the labyrinth to find Dedalus. Will you be one of my companions for the quest?" She asked hopefully. " Sorry Annabeth, even though I am the patron of all heroes,  I am not allowed to take part in a quest due to the ancient laws. I am allowed to intervene in between and help heroes if necessary but that required a sacrifice. And I can only help you once in a quest unless another immortal is directly working against you, which was the case against Atlas." I explained to the daughter of Athena and she nodded her head in understanding. " So, if any Titans or other immortals are directly involved against us, will you be able to help us without needing a sacrifice?" She asked again. " Yes Annabeth, you just need to pray to me and I will come to your aid". I replied and Annabeth smiled at me in return.

Third Pov.

After talking to Percy, Annabeth went to the big house to consult the Oracle for the prophecy.

You shall delve into the darkness of the endless maze,

 The dead, the traitor, and the lost one raise.

 You shall rise or fall by the ghost king's hand,

The Child of Athena's final stand.

Destroy with a hero's final breath,

 And lose a love to worse than death.

This was the Prophecy she received and she was unsure about what to do. The prophecy was vague and the only part which she was sure of was that they will have to venture into the labyrinth of Dedalus. She had so many questions. Who is the ghost king? who all are the dead, traitor, and the lost one? Was this prophecy predicting her death? She decided to think about those later. Now she had to select her quest mates.

Annabeth decided to take Theo, Grover, and Tyson with her even though Chiron was reluctant to approve of her decision. She was packing necessary items for the quest when Percy came into her cabin. " Annabeth, take this." He said to her and handed over a black pearl." What does this do?" She asked him. With this pearl, you will be able to summon my sacred animal. Crush this pearl and he will come to your aid. But you will be able to do it only once. So use it when it is absolutely necessary." He told her.

After Annabeth, Grover, Tyson, and Theseus descended into the Labyrinth through the entrance at the Zeus's fist, Perseus decided that it was time for him to do what the other gods asked of him. As the god of loyalty, he could detect who was loyal to whom and if a person is weak-willed, he can change that person's loyalty to whom he wished. This was a really good way to deal with spies and traitors.

Percy closed his eyes and focused on the demigods around him. One by one he felt the bond of loyalty that the residents of the camp had. Most were loyal to their parents. The few who were not loyal to the gods were loyal to their friends and Chiron. This was not a surprise for Percy as Chiron had already told him that many of the campers have not come back this year at camp and he suspects that they have joined the enemy. So the campers who were already at the camp are less likely to betray the gods. But suddenly Percy felt an abnormality in a bond. He focused on it and was startled to see that it was from Silena. Percy sensed that she was loyal to her mother, but she was also affiliated with  Luke, It was like her loyalty was being torn between both parties like she couldn't decide whom to support, Which confused him. He expected to find spies in the camp, but he never expected Silena to be a spy.

Over the last couple of weeks, Percy had become quite fond of Silena. He spent half of his free time with her and got to know her quite well. She was smart and brave and was decent with a knife. She was one of the few Aphrodite kids who actively participated in the training and other activities in the camp and was also good at Pegasus riding. It was hard for him to believe that she would side with the enemy.  Zeus has asked him to execute all the traitors if he found any, but he couldn't bring himself to kill her. He decided to confront Silena about this as soon as possible, to know the reason behind her decisions.

Silena was talking with her boyfriend, Charles when Percy found her. " Silena, could I talk to you privately." He asked her. " Come on Perce, I am talking to Charlie, can we talk later?" She asked back, with a pout on her face. " No Silena, this is a really important matter. I want to talk to you right now." He replied. Hearing this Silena relented." Fine" She said grumpily and stood up. " Sorry Beck for stealing her from you, but I want to discuss a really important matter with her". He said to Beckendorf as he dragged Silena towards the woods.

"Where are you leading me to Percy?" Silena asked him. She and Percy had been walking through the woods for the past five minutes. Suddenly Percy came to a halt near a small pond in the middle of the forest. " I just want to make sure that no one overhears what I am going to talk to you about" He replied. " So what is this super-secret that you want to tell me about?" Silena asked with a raised eyebrow. But the words that came out of his mouth took her by surprise.

" Why are you betraying the gods and helping the titans?" Percy asked her and Silena's eyes widened in shock and surprise.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------AN: It would be great if you all could comment your opinions and suggestions about the story or give me pointers about how to improve the story.

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