How I met him.

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Third Pov

Artemis was sitting near the campfire cleaning her bow after a long day. She could do it by just snapping her fingers, but she preferred to do it by hand. She had been training Zoe on how to maintain her domains and control her powers for the last two weeks and she was sure that Zoe had fully mastered her abilities and powers as a goddess. Recently, she hadn't talked with Percy much due to her being busy with training Zoe and taking down monster nests and Percy being busy with the stuff related to the campers. She looked up towards the sun and saw that it was about six in the evening. She decided to go and visit Percy tonight.

That is when a few of her hunters along with Zoe came towards the campfire and sat beside her. "So milady, are you gonna tell me how you and lord Perseus met ?" Naomi asked. She had been pestering Artemis about this for the past week. Artemis had been evading the daughter of Aphrodite hoping that she would forget about it, but she got the feeling that Naomi won't let go of it. "Yah milady we are also interested to hear about it," Atalanta said supporting her fellow hunter. "Yah Artemis, tell us about how you made the god of Heroes fall for you. You can't postpone it anymore saying that you don't have time because you need to train me" Zoe said with a grin on her face.

Artemis groaned with her hands covering her face to hide the small golden blush she was sporting, while the hunters snickered seeing their patron embarrassed. By this time the rest of the hunters had also arrived to see what was going on. Artemis looked up to see all her hunters surrounding her in a circle and looking at her expectantly with smirks on their faces. "Fine Fine. I will tell" Artemis said seeing that she had no way out of it. She put her bow aside and sat straight to tell the tale.

"As you all know, my mother was cursed by Hera so that she couldn't give birth to me and Apollo on firm land. So she fled to Delos, where she gave birth to me first. Our mother has been carrying us in her womb for way longer than necessary. So after I was born, I immediately grew up to the size of a five-year-old. Then we went and hid in a cave from Python, which was chasing us. The next morning mom gave birth to Apollo with my help. Hearing that the twins of Zeus were born, some of the goddesses and gods came to visit us. That is when I first met Perseus. He was born a few weeks before and Aphrodite brought him along when she came to visit us." Artemis said as she waved her hands creating an image of an extremely cute five-year-old boy with black hair and sea-green eyes with golden specs in it. The boy had chubby cheeks which anyone would want to pinch and was wearing a light blue chiton. "Is that lord Perseus, he is so cute." Naomi squealed as she saw the image of her five-year-old godly brother. "Yes," Artemis replied with a faint smile.

"Now on to the story, as all goddesses came Apollo started to sing and dance around trying to impress the ladies while I stayed with mum. All the goddesses started fawning over Apollo like he was the best thing since the Gods overthrew the Titans. But Percy saw me standing alone with my mother. He walked towards me and introduced himself as Perseus and told me that he was five weeks old. You should have seen his face when I told him that I was only a day old and he didn't believe me until I explained the reason behind why I appeared older than I should have. He then spend the next five minutes complaining about how he had to spend a week as a baby. After his complaining was over, we spend the rest of the day exploring the island of Delos where Percy would explain to me what everything was and how things worked as I was new to all the things. After that day, he would come to Delos almost all day and would spend the day with me and Apollo. He would even stay at night sometimes if Aphrodite has any council meetings or other Olympian god stuff to do."

" When he was a kid, Percy was a complete dolt. He and Apollo would cause all sorts of problems and would get into all sorts of trouble, and guess who had to save their asses and keep them in line? me. Often, my mother would send those two to collect fruits and berries in the wild while I helped her with household stuff. Those two idiots would often go after rabbits or deers to play with and will come back home with bunnies instead of berries. So I had to scold them for not bringing food home, relieve the poor bunny of its torture and go into the wild with those two to bring back food. Those were the good old days". Artemis said with a smile on her face as the hunters laughed as they imagined a five-year-old Apollo and Perseus being scolded by an enraged five-year-old Artemis.

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