The Hunters Trouble.

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The Hunters in cabin 8 were not having a good time. First, they learn that their lady was captured during her solo hunt. Then their lieutenant had to go on a quest to save their patron with two other hunters and two campers and one of them was a boy. And when they came back they were forbidden by the gods to say anything about the quest. They also learned that Bianca died during the quest and to make things worse, their lady hasn't contacted them and they were stuck at camp half-blood with all those boys and Aphrodite girls. The only good thing that occurred to them in the past week was Thalia joining the hunt. The hunters were restless. They wanted to roam around the forest hunting monsters and animals, not sitting ducks in Artemis's cabin.
" Aah I can't stay here anymore, where is my lady?" Atalanta the third in command of the hunt and head healer screamed to no one." She is on Olympus Atalanta, She has some tasks to finish. She will come when they are over". Zoe said to her. Hearing this Phoebe snorted. " Yeah, tasks, its more like she is busy with........" But Zoe cut her off by covering Phoebe's mouth with her hand. " Do you want to get blasted out of existence by lord Zeus?" Zoe screamed at Phoebe. Phoebe didn't say anything but turned away and walked towards the cabin bunks with a furious expression. " Why did the gods forbade you from telling us anything"? Naomi, a daughter of Aphrodite asked? She joined the hunt about fifty years ago when the hunters saved her from human traffickers. Zoe said nothing to address the question and looked away. Suddenly Atalanta stood up " I have enough of this. I can't stay at this place any longer. I am going to contact my lady" and before anyone could say anything she walked towards the small fountain which had a rainbow shimmering above it and tossed a drachma into it." Lady Iris goddess of Rainbow, please accept my offering and show me lady Artemis goddess of Moon and Hunt" she prayed. The rainbow shimmered and an image formed which shocked the hunters. There was their lady who swore off the company of men sleeping on a half-naked guy. Artemis rested her head on his shoulders while the guy had his arms wrapped around her. Artemis's hair sprawled across the guy's chest and their legs were tangled. Atalanta was so shocked that she couldn't say a word. Zoe quickly composed herself and swiped through the message before anyone could say anything. There was dead silence for a few seconds, then Atalanta exploded, " what in the name of Hades was that ? Who in the name of Zeus was that guy"? All the hunters had the same troubled expression on their faces except for the three who went on the quest. Naomi was quick to pick this up. "Was it because of him that lord Zeus asked you to not tell others about what happened during the quest"? She asked. The three just nodded their head in response. " Who is that guy? And what is he doing with my lady? Tracy a daughter of Athena asked. " Maybe he seduced her with a love potion or something"? Clara a daughter of Hephaestus suggested. But before anyone could say anything, a bright flash occurred in the cabin. All the hunters turned towards the light source only to see an eight-year-old girl with brown hair and warm ember eyes. They immediately bowed down " Lady Hestia, why are you here"? Zoe asked the goddess. Hestia smiled at them " l felt that you girls have something troubling you. I thought that I could help you all with the problem" . she said to the hunters. " Yes my lady, I don't know how, but some males have somehow seduced lady Artemis. Could you please help her," Atalanta said in desperation. But Hestia merely raised an eyebrow at this. " What do you mean someone seduced Artemis?" She asked them even though she knew what happened. " My lady, we didn't want to be here any longer, so I iris messaged lady Artemis to say about the issue, but when the message formed, lady Artemis was sleeping with some guy and to make it worse the guy was half-naked, so please help her before the trouble escalates" Atalanta pleaded to the goddess. But when she looked at the goddess, she was shocked to see that she was smiling. " Don't worry about that, Artemis's wasn't forced to sleep with him, she did it in her own accord". " What do you mean we don't need to worry, our patron, who swore off company of men and any romantic relationships, is sleeping with a random guy and now you say that she did it on her own free will. How can we not worry about that"? Emily a daughter of Demeter all but screamed at Hestia. Suddenly there was a small giggle and everyone turned to see Thalia trying and failing to hold her laughter." Do you find this situation amusing Thalia"? Atalanta raged. " Oh, no need to go all ballistic on me, I just found it funny that Emily had almost the same reaction as Phoebe when she found out" Thalia said. Atalanta turned towards Phoebe " How do you know him, Phoebe, How did he even get close to my lady"? Atalanta asked her . Phoebe was about to answer but was interrupted when Hestia said in a strict but motherly tone" Everyone calms down. I will clear all your doubts and problems about the current situation". Everyone turned their attention towards the goddess who now was in the form of a thirty-five-year-old to better handle the situation." But first" Hestia continued" You need to swear on Styx to not divulge any information I am about to tell you to anyone other than Artemis without my Permission.
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All the characters and plot belong to Rick Riordan. Please ignore the grammatical errors.😅😅

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