With you Forever

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Third pov

After Artemis flashed herself and Percy to her palace Percy looked around. Her palace wasn't too flashy or lavish. But it wasn't bland either. It was mainly colored in silver along with grey and black here and there. It was decorated with animal pelts and pictures of wilderness and wildlife. The ceiling was enchanted to see the clear night sky with the constellations and the moon. It was also modestly furnished and everything was in order. " So how is it"? Artemis asked him. "It's good. It suits you." Percy said.
" I don't use it often you know," Artemis said. " I often camp at the forests with my hunters. I only come here when it is extremely necessary. The only people who come here often are the nymphs who take care of the palace, some idiotic satyrs and stupid male gods who want to court me" Percy raised an eyebrow at the last sentence." You have suitors"? Percy asked in an amused voice. "You won't believe how many are there," Artemis said in an exasperated tone. " They have some competition about who gets to woo me first, idiots," she said. " Well, you are really beautiful, so you can't blame them" Percy commented to which Artemis blushed, " But I am not planning to share either" Percy said as he cupped Artemis's face in his hand as he gently pressed his lips to hers. Artemis eagerly responded, her hands moving up to his face and around his neck as they kissed. Percy pulled Artemis closer to him as his lips trailed down to her jaws and then her neck. Artemis moaned at the feeling of her lover's lips on her neck as he slowly nibbled on her sensitive skin. He pulled back a few seconds later and then placed a small peck on her lips. Artemis smiled at him but then squealed as he picked her up bridal style and walked towards the couch. He sat on the couch and placed her on his lap, but she wasn't complaining. Suddenly Artemis zoned out a few seconds as she seemed to remember something and her mood deflated. Percy noticed it quickly." What is it Artemis? What are you thinking?" He asked, concern in his voice. Artemis slowly looked into his eyes and he could see many emotions in that beautiful doe-like silver orbs, mainly fear and sadness. " Percy", she said," you know..." She trailed off. " I know what Artemis"? He asked her. " Eh ... You know Percy, I... I am not the same goddess to whom you fell in love all those years ago. I ... I have changed Percy.., I have changed a lot from that silly, easy-going, and play full girl that you loved and turned into a prideful man-hating goddess who turned any male who looked at her inappropriately into an animal or killed them mercilessly. I have done terrible things to many people over the years".
Artemis now had tears on her eyes as her voice quivered." I... I understand if you don't want to be with me anymore you know, I .."
But her speech was interrupted when Percy gently pulled her into a hug and pressed his lips against hers. Artemis immediately melted into his kiss and enjoyed the salty taste in his lips but after a few seconds, he pulled back much to her dismay. " Look at me Artemis," He said to her and she looked up to his beautiful eyes which were a whirlpool of green, purple, and gold which seemed to suck you in." You know, when I started regaining my memories, the first thing that came to my mind was those doe eyes of yours, The first person I fully remembered was you. You were the force that kept me going down there. When I came to know that it has been four millennia since my death, I .....I was honestly lost. I ..... I thought you have moved on and would be with  someone else..." At this part, Percy choked on his words as a tear slid down his eyes. Artemis gently wiped his tear away and was going to say something. But Percy stopped her. " Let me finish Arty, please." He said to which she nodded." I ...... I thought I lost you. Then Nyx told me about how you gained the domain of virginity and how you swore to never love again. I was ecstatic at first, but then I remembered that you received the domain of virginity and would stay away from me. I was worried about what would I do if you wouldn't want to continue our relationship. But that went away the moment you kissed me at the Mount Tam." Percy stopped a second so Artemis could process the words he said. He then continued " I don't care what others think about you Artemis, but for me, you will always be the beautiful and playful goddess I fell in love within the island of Delos. The only way you could have made me sad or disappointed was by entering into a relationship with another man which you haven't done. You are the moon that pulls the tides, I don't want to be with any other woman, mortal or immortal other than you. " Artemis was smiling widely at Percy as she heard his words. She hugged him tightly and rested her head in the crook of his neck, taking in that intoxicating scent of sea and sandal. " I don't want to be with anyone other than you Percy," she said to him and felt him smile against her hair.
____________________________________AN :
This is my first story. Please try to support.

All the characters and plot belong to Rick Riordan. Please ignore the grammatical errors.😅😅

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