chapter 6

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Chapter 6
He had gone home that night and had told everything to Freia while eating some elf loaf. It wasn't good, but it was easy to make and would feed you for almost a day.
-I'm not sure about this woman, sapling, I've heard of this alcohol, how it dulls the mind, how some people can't live without it said Freia worriedly
- But we can trade it, make money out of it, better the clan life, he started
- I told you child enough with those damn idea of business, when will you learn. She said angrily
Kenshin felt bad, he wanted to help the clan, repay their kindness, he didn't know how or even if it was possible, but he would try. She saw how trouble he looked.
- Listen sapling, you have to understand, elf are feared for how powerful we once were, even though our number have greatly diminished, they still hate us .Your an elf, elf can only count on elf.
Kenshin nodded, but he would still try to find a way any way to help, she had been right elf helps elf but there had to be more than that.
A week had pass, he had love to work with the old lady, she was funny, would ask question, would give answer, he knew her story, her husband was a great warrior, he had died, fighting the devil tribe, as for her, she was a widow her child had died young sent in combat unprepared, she had lost her vision to the fume of countless mixture she would have brew to cure her sadness she had say. Kenshin felt for her, she was a sweet old lady , she had even taught him how to create mead, when ask why she had answer "your people know herb, plant, right? You might create a better recipe, then in return,you will share
The young elf had laugh, a concept of investment yes, she was a revolutionary. She was very well connected too, the amount of deal she had, was mesmerizing, she almost had a deal with each branch of the castle.
- Today you will deliver a case to the jail house, they help me with a problem of taxation. Now hurry, little elf.
The case was heavy, but Kenshin would never jeopardize his position with her, he had it good, he had been lucky. He arrived at the jail house, fairly quick.
- Elf aren't allowed here get going kid, said a man
He had recognized the guard, he had a white beard, he was probably one of the oldest guards, he was a kind one, didn't bother the elf a lot, he had even smiled at Kenshin once. When he had asked the brewer, she had told him that he had been save by a group of has a kid, that he refuse to take arm in the war against the elf ,but had save the king as young lad.
- I bring mead sir, Kenshin said offering a smile
- Hurry up then, he said with a gentle push
Kenshin delivered the crate, the guard had screamed at him, cause of how long he had waited. " Relax you will get your fix " Kenshin thought, as he was walking, he heard, a soft gentle voice told him.
- You have horns, they are beautiful
Kenshin turned around and was almost sick, in the jail, there was a young elf just like him, she was around his age maybe younger and she ... she had fang. How was that possible?
- Who are you, how did you get here, he asked
- I don't know why, but they were really mad at me. She said sadly, my name is Garona she added.
- I'm Kenshin,he answered, are you hungry?
He took out a piece of elf loaf from his pocket, and hand it to her, she moved closer to him, she was staring at his horns.
- I like them, you're just like me, she said smiling.
-And I like your fang, said Kenshin softly repressing sadness
What could he do, he was a child, an elf child, could he help her? This night at home, he barely ate any food and ask Freia to go to bed early.
Minutes later she entered the room
- What's wrong sapling, my little devil of a son is acting weird, you can tell me sapling I won't be mad
Kenshin explained the whole situation after a couple minute ,his mother spoke
- She must be half orc, number of elf clans, have so little member, that they reproduce with other race, the orc is a fearsome race, barbaric yes but formidable warrior. Lots of people think they are children of the devil tribe, but again a kid couldn't do much harm. I doubt we can help her. She said sadly.
She left the room after kissing his forehead
-I'll help her, I was given two chances, she deserve to be given a chance.

The next day he waited after his shift at the brewery was done , he didnt want to involve the old lady , she had did more than enough for him. He run to the jail house hoping to find the old guard
- You again ? If you like the jail so much i can offer you a cell. Said the man laughing
Kenshin had rehearsed it was time for action
- Sir , why is the elf child in here , is there a ransom , is she claimed ?
- A ransom ? Who have you been talking too, yes there was a ransom of ten silver coin but she was bought, she was caught eating one of the king hunting pig, you're too late little elf.
Kenshin mind was racing, she was bought to be a slave, he knew that.Ten silver piece was easy to get as a human but him. He had an idea
- What if someone overbid, offer you let's say fifteen pieces
- Well that could work I suppose, but who? Ask the man
Kenshin run up to the training yard he had a plan , if was a risky one but he had a plan , he run home and grab a parchment and some ink . He then run to the courtyard , he deliver mead daily there , knew the guard we're bored by the lack of war and that they loved gambling , Kenshin look around . "Perfect!" He thought , the captain of the guard , was a good man he had said thanks to Kenshin even offered him a piece of cheese , but he was strict and was following a certain code of knighthood to a letter, he didn't take kindly to gamble and would ruin everything
- Guards ,are you interested in a little gamble ?
The guards who were laughing stopped look at him shocked , look at each other and laugh again
- What did you say little elf , said the first one .
- I think he wants to gamble, said the second one laughing
- Tell me elfling what do you have to gamble , some herb? Magical seed
After that all three were laughing, Kenshin didn't think about that, he had a moment of hesitation, he hated having to bring the brewer in this but what choice did he have
- I'll give each of you, a pint a day for five days that's five silver each.
They looked at each other smiling, good they were interest thought Kenshin , now for the plan
-Here is the gamble , I have two piece of paper , one will have a x, one will have a o , the person who picks the O wins
- Fine ,said the first guard
- Fair enough ,agreed the third
Kenshin took the two piece of paper, gave them one and wrote x on both of them. He took a piece and swallowed it , it took all of Kenshin willpower not to puke.
- What did you , said the second one
- Leave him, they're odd creature said the first one
- Pick up our paper, said the third
They of course had picked the x and had no way to verify if he had an o, his plan had worked
One of the guard got up and took out his sword
- I'd say that you guys were beaten by an elf child, laugh the captain walking toward them, what's this about gambling, he asked.Pay up or its outside the wall patrol. He run back to the jailer and handed him the coin.
- I think we have a deal , said Kenshin
The kind guard look at him , speechless , he counted the piece and looked confused

- thank you he said you saved a life
Constitution upgraded
He look back at Kenshin with a smiled told him to follow and freed the little elf cross breed , she walked slowly , not sure
- You're freed, said Kenshin
She ran to him and hugged him
- Thanks horned elf ,she sobbed
- Call me horn he answered hugging her back
They walk to the village and was stopped by one of the villager a bald man . Kenshin didn't like him, yes, the kids pointed him and made fun of him but the adult left him be, all except the bald man. He took the two child , and brought them to the elder house , Kenshin mother was there cooking and the elder was reading
- What is this ,he ask
- This child had brough us a bastard, does she even have a name , she clearly isnt one of us
Kenshin saw the smile disappear from the other kid
- Her name is fang , Kenshin said she arrive at the city this morning , she is of elf /orc descent
Kenshin mom was looking at him , she knew when he lied , the kid answered her with an imploring look
- You all constantly speak of elf helping elf , continued Kenshin she is an elf and she needs us
The elder smiled and wave the room silent.
- How much you've grown little sapling , you have raise a fine young elf there Freia, will allow it but the child will live under your roof
- Ill treat her like my own ,said Freia tenderly , come child you must be starving
Fang look at Kenshin smiling
- Fang ?she said smiling ,I like it
At the dinner , fang explained that she had lost her parent recently and that she had heard of the elf clan , so she came here hoping to be accepted has one of them . The next day , as Kenshin was showing her the village , one of the other elf kid , made fun of him and kicked him. To his surprise , Fang had leapt at the child and had pinned him to the ground
- nobody hurt horn,she had said
Did kenshin finally made a friend?

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