Chapter 29

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His potential new friends had explained the existences of a dome in his self-conscience, there would be the trial. He was used to trials, life was harsh for his race, but this trial was more difficult, race didn't matter, it was all about the being that was taken the test, he woke up in what he guessed was an underground cave, he didn't feel a breeze and it was too quiet. He had been told by the minotaur, that an enemy would attack him there and that upon its defeat he would win, she had also whispered a secret

-We all can use magic, you can too, look inside yourself, she said

Her voice was melodic and she had seemed to truly cared. He had two choices, looked for the monster or wait for it to attack, his father had taught him the art of war, looking for the enemy was an ambush risk not knowing their number nor strength. The second choice was much better finding his magic and mastering it. If this cave was inside his mind there was no exit, he chose the risky plan he didn't know the cave but he knew the location he was at, he looked around two possible attack point. It was easy enough and in case of retreat it was perfect.

-Looked inside of you, he repeated

He recalls his travel once, as a kid he had met minotaur's, a strong race that even his father had respected. He remembered it has if it was yesterday among them was an old frail looking one compare to the others, he seemed so weak

-Look father they are so strong; they keep the weak with them

His father had looked at him and gave him a slap of his tail jokingly

-Your wrong Drake he is the strongest, look closer, his father had said

When Drake looked closer, he saw what is father meant, there he was not moving, his eyes closed, he was surrounded by a field of heat, at his feet was a puddle of water, his feet! They were in the air

-Father, father he is Flying wow, had screamed Drake

There was a loud laughter and the old minotaur looked at him smiling. Drake swore he had saw smoke coming from his mouth, it was a scary sight. Drake had time, he sat on the floor and crossed his legs just as the old one had done, he closed his eyes. Hours past nothing, he kept hearing drops of water falling, but when he opened his eyes there was no water nearby. It was the silence it was affecting him more than he cared to admit, he focusses one more time, this time the drops were falling quicker, he tried to focus left maybe he had missed something. Drake made an amazing discovery; he could control the pace of the water. He opened his eyes and shouted


Drake was soon engulfed in a bubble of water, he could bring. He lacked information on how magic worked, the water was making him suffocate, second passed Drake kept thinking water, over and over again but nothing helped, he suddenly passed out, from the lack of air. He woke up to a voice telling him – It took your race long enough , said a stranger

It was a minuscule small chameleon, his scale said he was a reptile, he had wings which was unheard his size was too small to be the enemy. The enemy was right in front of him, Drake lift his lance,

-Lower that drakling, said the small beast

-I was told there was going to be enemy, we the only two here, that means you are it.

-You were also told there was going to be a familiar and here I am, I'm on your side.

He couldn't be Drake familiar, he was too weak, too small, compare to the others familiar, there was no comparison, it could be a trap

-Explain yourself, screamed Drake not lowering is lance

-We familiar appear for the chosen one, the chosen one of the lights are given light familiar, that's me, the others, your enemies are given inferno familiar. You were chosen and I got to say kid you are the first of your race to be granted a familiar.

-There is got to be a mistake, I'm a descendant of the dragon, we helped the inferno

-Celestial being, is all history lost forever, you are wrong ,drakling

It was impossible his father had told him the stories; he couldn't be wrong.

-Drake listen to me, your race is not evil, the celestial created you not all the dragon chose to fight, some had remorse, regrets those were permitted to ascend to become the first draconian, I'm your familiar call me Raleigh

-But you weren't there, I was chosen at birth and you weren't there

-You almost died, it was your first time and you know magic, those are the conditions

Drake laughs and said

-I didn't die, the enemy is a coward, he hasn't showed up yet

-You did die, your elements is the same as fire it can destroy, without control it's your death

- If you know so much, show me the location of my enemy so I can kill it, well practice my magic too, said Drake

-I can't help you with the enemy but we have to start on your magic, thing in the real world are changing the war is going to come soon.

For a whole week they train, they got closer and trusted each other but no sign of the enemy, Drake was becoming impatient and was venting to the frog.

-I have told you a million-time Drake, think about your biggest fear Drake we have to hurry your ally are losing hope

-But I am afraid of nothing I'm near invincible, said Drake

The familiar jumped on him and attacked him, he wasn't strong but his tongue paralyzed Drake, his ability to turn invisible made him almost invincible.

-Stop we don't have time for this, pleaded Drake

-Not until you tell me the truth, said Raleigh

-I am telling you the truth, said Drake

-The enemy is your biggest fear, yet we are alone, you are not telling me truth, said the frog

The familiar once again attacked this time, Drake fell to his knees the poison was spreading

- Try harder, screamed the familiar

- I... I'm afraid to be alone, to fail. I'm afraid that I'm not enough, said Drake

The familiar smile and got on his shoulder

-Well done, Drake

The ground beneath him, crumbled making him fall into an abyss, he saw something shiny among the falling crumble of rocks, he teleported to grab it, it was a wooden crown and it was beautiful.

-Try it on, said Raleigh

Drake obeyed and tried it, as soon as he put it on, he heard a voice, it was familiar, it was sweet, it was her. The minotaur girl

-There good inside him, please give him another hour

Drake smile and said

-Thank you, Tauren, see you soon 

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