chapter 19

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Kenshin mouth dropped , was this chieftain serious ?A duel , how odd , but as mention before they needed the help of the minotaur , if they wanted a chance at fighting the devil tribe,he look at their representative , they had been there for a short while . There were three of them , the was a dark elf , he look really similar to an elf but was darker and he had horn . Great , he thought , he was slender didn't have much physical strength but he had a bow , there was also a hobgoblin, he had defeated one before but they were strong ,very strong . In a physical fight only Fang had a chance , if she was to use her ability it be done in second , for her or for the devil and lastly there was this odd devil , he had a very evil aura he was putting him uneasy , he was small probably a bit bigger than a goblin , had wings and yes some horns , no wonder people felt uneasy about them.He looked at the chieftain , he seemed like a legendary fighter , he was covered in scar , his weapon was a hummongus mace Warhammer almost as tall at him, even his familiar a horse covered in fire , looked ferrocious .At the mention of a dual , the whole base started to shake,they were stumping the ground . He looked at Fang she was in awe , she grab her axe raising it in the air the idea excited her .He didn't know how it would go when an idea pop up, he took out the cube of ice containing the meat of the antique lobster , he saw Fang frown ,But she reluanctly agreed to melt the ice .

-Chieftain , can I make an offering to you? he said presenting the meat .

The representant of the devil tribe laugh .The small one said

-Chieftain please a hunk of meat couldn't possibly be better than ours , they are wasting your time , your people yearn to fight

At the mention of fight the whole clan, cheered once again, Kenshin had solid allies , they were stronger than before , but he had to say the sound of 60 minotaur was intimidating , the minotaur got up and slam the handle of his Warhammer before screaming

- You do not get to tell me what to do with my clan , your are strong , devil tribe and are worthy or our support , however an offering is an offering , and it shall be treated as such

Ok said Kenshin , ok it isnt ideal , but there was hope he saw a minotaur get close and grab the meat . The minotaur looked at Fang , stop and went back to the chieftain.As he gave the meat ,the minotaur whisper something to the chieftain who slammed once again the Warhammer .

-You, he said, pointing at Fang, move forward

For a second he though of stepping to protect her and saw Tingle do the same

As Fang was advancing , the chieftain took a bite of the meat .he started to laugh , and said

-Ah that meat how it reminds me of my childhood we use to have loads of these in my childhood they could never get big I always wondered why

Kenshin knew why , the antique beast was probably eating them when they were at the right age , he notice the chieftain looking at Fang why was he giving her so much attention.

-The offering is accepted , he added to the crowd cheering, you may come inside to talk

And so they did they went into the chief tent , tons of hunted beast head were arboring the walls , Kenshin understood that they were hunter , there was a huge fire in the middle of the tent , it was suffocating , and Kenshin couldn't stand fire .

-welcome elf , kobold and little orc , said the chieftain , what a strange little group , as for you, orc. You are welcome , your race as been friend to my race since ages, we respect strength and your race as ton of it , can I see your weapon. Fang was once again unsure but Kenshin nodded that it was ok , she gave the axe to the chieftain, who observed it intently

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